Everyone has a bucket list, some bucket list or before you graduate, before you turn a certain age, or before another important milestone in your life. Life is very short and sometimes I wonder if I am actually interested in what I'm doing in the current moment. Should I be in school getting a degree, or traveling the world and seeing all there is to see? I firmly believe I should be doing the latter but my family would beg to differ. Here's a list of countries I would like to visit before I die, because time is a precious thing. Its better to see all there is to see, than to stay in one town for the rest of your life living with regret of what you could've done.
I am thoroughly fascinated with Greek Mythology, so its only fitting that Greece is #1 on my list of countries I want to visit before I die. The history and culture that lies within the beautiful country of Greece has me itching to get there as soon as possible. Greece has beautiful architecture as well and having beautiful architecture in a country makes me fall in love instantly with the country itself.
Nicknamed Bel Paese meaning beautiful country its no wonder I want to visit here. Known for its captivating vineyards, Italy is wine paradise. And the wine lover in me is here for it. Being the touristy person that I am I would definitely have to stop by the Leaning Tower of Pisa just to act like I'm holding it up. I'm also a lover of food and Italy has some of the most delicious food I would love to try, from pizza to pasta, and wonderful Gelato I'm absolutely ready to try it all.
South Africa is my favorite country on the continent of Africa. The one thing that I can't wait to do whenever I visit South Africa is visit Kruger National Park. It is the countries oldest National Park, while in the Kruger you can go on wild safari rides or walks. I mean who wouldn't want to be close to a giraffe or zebra without fences separating you?
Lush green life, and magnificent Irish Castles who wouldn't want to visit this country? I really want to visit Ireland, and not just because I'm obsessed with Niall Horan from One Direction. But this is one of my favorite countries, even though I have yet to visit I have seen wonderful pictures from my friends who have. And the views are absolutely amazing especially the sunrise over Lough Tay. Ireland is also known for people going whale watching, and I think that would be very cool because I have never seen whale before in its natural habitat.
I am overly obsessed with the royal family, and I firmly believe that's why I want to visit the United Kingdom so much. Just to catch a glimpse of them. Don't get me wrong I'm still gonna do all the touristy things and see what the country has to offer. But I most definitely will be taking a tour of Buckingham Palace, and pretending I'm apart of the royal family.
Saint Lucia is probably one of those least none islands in the Caribbean, but in my opinion probably one of the most beautiful. With it being not really well known, and very low chance of it being a tourist trap that makes it a prime spot to vacation and enjoy the crystal clear waters.
I can not wait to visit China, just because its so unique and different from the Western Culture I'm use to. My first destination when I arrive in China would be to visit the Forbidden City, and second would have to be to walk the entire Great Wall of China. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not the type to walk anything long distance, but I'm up for the challenge to learn and explore about the country of China.
I'm honestly so fascinated by the Great Sphinx of Giza and the Great Pyramid of Giza, it is my driven purpose of visiting Egypt. Don't get me wrong Egypt has many other aspects to see, but I'm a history lover. Getting to see a piece of the Ancient World and learning something new about one of the wonders of the world is an amazing thing to do.
Has a recent host of the Olympics, who wouldn't want to visit Brazil. Admittedly, Brazil has received a bad reputation of late with the Olympics but it is beautiful and amazing country. I can not wait to see the lushes Amazon Rain Forest, if its still there that is.
I hope to visit all these places in my lifetime, as they are some of the most beautiful, culture and history rich countries in the world. Why not adventure, explore, and learn along the way? Life is to short not to.