Have you been wanting to go out with your crush forever but your bank account is looking a little tight? Or has the christmas season run your wallet dry? Going on a date doesn't require a minimum of 50 dollars to be spent for both you and your date in order to have a good time. Here are 10 intimate dates that cost nothing!
1. Photography Date
Take pictures of your significant other is a very intimate and fun date that cost minimal amount of money. Whether you have a DSLR, that crazy iPhone X camera quality or a disposable camera, this date can be a fun way to explore scenic areas around you along with capturing the beauty of your boo.
2. Star Gazing
Since it is mid january, this one is better if you have a sunroof and well a working heating system in your car. Nevertheless, listening to serene music while looking up at the stars is the perfect date if you want to get to know someone on a deeper level than a dinner and movie date.
3. Classic Picnic
Everyone loves food, so why not find that old picnic basket and make some sandwiches grab a blanket, and enjoy a nice scenic view. Now for frigid weather conditions, simply make some hot chocolate and cuddle up!
4. Sunrise Hiking
Watching the sun rise from anywhere is already a beautiful sight. Now amplify that view times 10x next to your loved one on a beautiful mountain. With the little cost of waking up a bit earlier!
5. Private Fashion Show
Whether you and your significant other decide to switch clothes or try on your own, putting on music and letting your hair down could be one of the best dates. You're being vulnerable with your S.O and showing carefree side that may not get to be exposed in many other situations or dates.
6. Be a Tourist
Visit a historical landmark or city in your state and just rome. Rooming random streets and get lost with your partner makes for a funny and un-expected date. Also this is a great time to visit museums or art galleries in your city or area.
7. Visit a Dog Adoption Store
Petting doggies is always a great time and would make for a great date. Seeing your dates face light up when seeing the cutest dog ever is definatly priceless.
8. Go on a Target Date
Whether you check out the cool gadgets, books, or smell the candles, target is always the go to place for when you and your date have nothing to do. You don't have to buy something but just window shopping and enjoying each other's company is enough to make this date a memorable one.
9. Have an In-home Spa Day
Grab some olive oil from your kitchen, find some online DIY face mask recipes and light some candles. This intimate date at home is a comfy yet exciting way to spend time with your S.O. Also a great snapchat opportunity!