Every mother-daughter relationship has its fair share of hilarity, annoyance, love, and arguing, but nothing is worse than the attitude a teenage girl is capable of copping to their mom. As teens, we didn't mean to be bratty, but we were unable to control our emotions. So here is an official apology to all the mothers of teenage daughters: past, present, or future.
We are sorry for...
1. Rolling our eyes when you made a joke.
It was never an insult to your inner comedian. In fact, you may have been pretty funny, but we could never admit that! Then you would never stop cracking jokes, and my entire friend group would hear your "funny" stories of me practicing my runway walk while watching "America's Next Top Model."
2. Getting sassy with you for no real reason.
PMS made us do it!
3. Not trusting you to be a "cool mom" when it came to public events.
You were cool...we were just blinded by our own egos.
4. Cluing you into way too much drama.
I'm sure your head wanted to explode from my countless talks about DRAMA...but thanks for listening! Love ya, Ma!
5. Lying to you about boys.
Totally got back together with that jerk you warned me to stay away from...sorry!
6. Ignoring your advice when you were right.

7. Critiquing your outfits.
We were dumb. Your shirt looked just fine. We looked a little crazy in our neon tank tops.
8. Fighting with you over the little things.
It probably wasn't that big of a deal that you wouldn't drive us to the mall. I mean there was a killer sale at Express but whatever...sorry.
9. Not telling you that I love you enough.
Lastly, I'm sorry we didn't always tell you how special you were. I'm sorry we didn't tell you we loved you for doing everything for us. We might annoy each other sometimes, but we will always love each other more.
To the moon and back, Mom.