1. You take 6 AP classes a school year because all your classmates took them too.
You didn't want to be THAT honor student who doesn't stick with the rest of honor student and fell behind. So you had to take the highest level of all the classes available or you'll be separated from your friends.
2. You have a period of a few days every 3 weeks where all your AP classes have exams and it's hell.
When you have AP Chem, AP Physics, Calculus, and US History exams all in the same week.
3. "Did you do homework?" "No." "Okay, good, we'll fail together."
4. Getting closer to AP exam time and you're teacher still hasn't covered 70 percent of the material.
She tries to cram in eight concepts in two weeks. You try to learn one concept but the teacher moves onto another one before you get the hang of it the first one so you just sit in class and pretend you're getting it.
5. Debating whether or not you know enough to pass with a 4 or 5, or waste 100 bucks.
6. Realizing you're on your own so you try to study by yourself.
Except if you're like me, you've never had to study before in high school.
6. The day of your AP exam, you see everyone from middle school again.
Do you say hi? Do you not? Do they even remember you? So you try to hide and not make eye contact.
7. During your exam, you don't remember learning half the things they asked.
8. Finishing that exam and accepting your fate.
@ God It's up to you now homie.