When we are in high school, and sometimes even middle school we can't wait to get out of our hometown and go to college. But it's not all parties and fun like recent movies depict it to be like, here are ten problems people will face when they get into college.
1. Early Mornings
You know the saying 'The early bird gets the worm'? Well here is where it comes into play. Now if you're like me those eight in the morning classes you had were a huge mistake, but sadly that is the only time slot available for some. So it's no surprise that when you ask some people if they are tired you will get a yes. And yes, it is from the late night of homework and the early morning wake up call.
2. Adult Responsibilities
I know what you're thinking, 'I am an adult already and I have tons of responsibilities already, this won't be any different'. Well breaking news flash, college adds another ten million things on your life. From getting yourself out of bed, paying for textbooks, and getting the grades college is nothing but responsibilities.
3. Mountains Of Homework
In high school everyone complains about how much homework they have, well in college multiply the amount you have now by ten. And i'm not complaining because some people like having a lot of homework, I am not one of them. Some weeks you can have three papers, five work pages, four projects and two tests due all in the same week. But hey, if you don't want that much homework don't take so many classes. Life lesson.
4. Class Load
Ten, eighteen, twenty. No matter how many hours you choose to take it will not change the fact that you will have a full class load. Some of your classes can be ten minutes apart or even if you're lucky an hour apart. But that doesn't change the fact that you have all these classes and little time to get to and from buildings to make it on time. Not that college teachers really care, you're paying them to teach you. They would like it if you showed up but it's not like some professors care.
5. You're Always Broke
Throughout our lives we are so used to our parents paying for everything for us, from school supplies to that game you wanted for your birthday. But all that changes when you reach college because now you have to pay for textbooks, gas, food, breathing and walking. And it doesn't help if you don't have a job to make money.
6. Figuring Things Out The Hard Way
Yes you can always call your parents but in college a lot of what you find out and do depends on you and the decisions you make. Of course you can call them for help, there is no shame in that but what everyone needs to remember is some of these things you have to find out yourself, and even the hard way.
7. You Go In Knowing No One
Unless you live in the town you are planning to go to college at you will most likely go in knowing no one. There are however those rare moments where you may bump into someone from summer camp that now goes to college with you. But hey, now you can find out who your true friends are.
8. Homesickness Is A Real Thing
Whether you are a state away or a continent away homesickness is a real thing and it is hard to overcome. There is always calls, texts and Facetime but what good is it if you aren't there with your family in person. You may ask yourself multiple times what the point is and what if I just drop out. But trust me once you find something to do and people to hang with you will forget that you were ever homesick.