Let’s all face it, we most likely spent our Thanksgiving Break binge watching the episodes that just came out of Gilmore Girls. We ate a little, shopped a little, and watched A LOT. Odds are you probably watched all the episodes in one day. Probably even back to back. That’s okay, you deserved a vacation. For those of you who have not watched it yet, stop reading NOW and go and watch them!!!! These are a few thoughts I had, and you probably did to, when watching each episode:
1. Where is the opening music and credits???
2. Well here goes half my day, not even mad though
3. Rory is so pretty
4. Lorelai looks kind of old
5.Luke looks really old
6. Kirk is still weird and awkward
7. Did Luke and Lorelai ever get married?
8.Which guy is Rory with…
9.Have they had coffee yet
10.Okay good they had coffee
11.Really Rory… Paul… You could do so much better
12.Where the heck is Sookie
13.Poor Emily… What the heck is she going to do in that big old house
14.Kids??? What the H Luke and Lorelai? Really? How old are you now?
15.Paris does what…. She is way too abrasive to deal with pregnant women
16.LOGAN!!!!! WHAT????
17.Rory, you have a boyfriend?!
18.Lane and the band still play lol
19.Zack looks really old
20.Lol, Emily and Lorelai in therapy… this is gonna be interesting
1.Mrs. Kim looks exactly the same
2.What… There is a Mr. Kim????
3.Where is Rory getting this money to fly back in forth between London and Connecticut?
4.Town meeting, Yay
5.Lol at awkward therapy!
6.Michel can’t leave… he brings all the sass to the Dragonfly
7.RACHEL RAY What the H?!
9.Wow what the heck is this maid saying and why does she look like Gypsy?
10.Rory goes back to Chilton?
11.Wow Paris really has not changed
12.Rory is so sweet, why is she still friends with Paris
13.Lol at these guest appearances though
14.Rory should so be a teacher! At least then she would have some consistency in her life
15.Paris’ kids make me lol
16.The fact that Paris and Doyle had kids makes me lol
17.Rory should have kids, she would be a great mom
18.“Ace” *Swoon*
19.Cesar looks like he unaged, like Benjamin Button or something
20. Rory, really… sex with a Wookie… you’re above that
1.Not completely sure if this was the best use of my time
2.April… go away- you’re annoying
3.Miss Patty looks funny
4.Wait, Logan is engaged?
5.This British lady is crazy
6.Obviously Rory should help with the Stars Hollow Gazette
7.Is Paul still a thing?
8.Okay good call Rory the Gazette needs you
9.The Musical… really- as if Stars Hollow couldn’t get cheesy enough
10.Is Dean ever going to show up?
11.This Musical is dumb
12.Of course everyone likes it except Lorelai, typical
13.Poor Emily, she is falling apart
15. Wow, a book about the Gilmore Girls, weird, who would have ever thought about this
16. Wait… Emily has a boy friend…
17. Of course Luke didn’t tell Lorelai about the possible expansion, they always hide things from eachother
18.What the heck, Just be proud of her Lorelai
19.Bye Logan
20. Lorelai crying made me want to cry
1. You’ve always been nuts Lorelai
2.Rory looks way younger than 32
3.There need to more employees for the Gazette
4.Jess is way hotter now
5.Logan, you’re so great… but you still have a fiancé
6.Low Key crying when she says bye to the guys, JK high key
7.“Every Ride has to end”- stoppp
8.YOOOO!!! Its Adam Braverman from Parenthood, the second Parenthood appearance
9.Wellp, crying again at Lorelai’s story about her Dad
10.Wait, where is the Jeep?
12.Lol @ Luke’s freak out
13.Marriage idea, again Lorelai? Took y’all long enough
14.Crying again…
15.Yes, the flashbacks of Friday night dinners
16. Michel DON’T LEAVE
17. The prodigal daughter returns
18. YO GO EMILY! Tell those B’s whose boss
19.Christopher looks the exact same, still cute
20. WHAT? The Gilmore Estate is for sale???
21.Emily seems really happy now
22. DEANNNNNN, finally
24.Jess still loves her
25. Of course they would elope lol, Classic Lorelai and Luke
26. Crying again
28.She is going to be a great mom
29.Wait does that mean it is Logan’s…