Going through old pictures and videos and even text messages can be such a buzzkill when it forces you to realize how much you’ve grown up. Growing up sucks. Unfortunately, my sentimental, nostalgic self decided that I should recap on old memories from high school for absolutely no reason whatsoever. I’m not homesick- thank god. I love going to school in South Carolina. I literally go to school where people vacation. (Yay myrtle beach.) Besides that though, I love my friends that I’ve made here, my sorority (a post about that coming soon), and my major (graphic design, holla.) My campus is gorgeous. The weather is beautiful. I love it here. What I don’t love is the fact that I’m getting older and with age comes responsibilities (and also back pain. which is alarming. I’m only 19.) But what really kicked me in the butt was reminiscing on high school memories, when things were so. much. easier. even though I thought at the time that high school was going to seriously be the death of me. Yes, college is so much better in every way. But high school begins to shape you into the person that you’re going to be. I miss playing sports and having a locker. I miss knowing all of my teachers personally and I miss pep rally’s and assemblies and of course buff chick Wednesday’s. (still love you CHS.) It kills me to see Seniors and even Juniors wishing high school away. Life is too short to wait for years to pass. Carpe diem, guys. Seriously. It’s the little things that you’ll miss once you’re in college. Not being 864 miles away from your mum when you’re sick is definitely one of them. Also, home cooked meals. I even miss my curfew because I don’t have enough self control to get back to my dorm at a decent time which leads to waking up for class (if I wake up for class) and not having time to do my makeup or brush my hair.
Thinking about my high school years just made me realize that I need to stop wishing years of my life away. Freedom rocks, I will not lie. But having freedom means learning to budget, doing your own laundry, going to class willingly (and you DO have to go to class if you don’t want to fail), making mistakes- and learning from them, forcing yourself not to order take-out at 3am, amongst so many other things. I loved high school. But I love college, too. I have met some lifelong friends in just two and half semesters. And I owe it to coastal for making 864 miles seem not so bad, for making growing up a little easier with my friends at my side and for making me remember that distance means nothing when you like where you’re at. Love your life for what it is, not for what grade you’re in.