83 Reasons Why I Am A Daddy's Girl | The Odyssey Online
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83 Reasons Why I Am A Daddy's Girl

He is hands-down the goofiest person I have ever met, but he has a serious side, too.

83 Reasons Why I Am A Daddy's Girl
Abby Ray Vance

All of my life, I have been told that I look just like my daddy. From his curly hair, dark brown eyes, tan skin and long features, there's no denying I am his child. In fact, many people have often said that it is scary how much I look, and act, like him--and acting like him is a pretty scary thing. He is hands-down the goofiest person I have ever met, but he has a serious side, too.

Since Father's Day is this month, I thought it would only be fitting to write about my daddy and what he means to me. I know I may be a bit partial, but I'm pretty sure he's the best one out there. This is for all of you females out there who are a "Daddy's Girl." I am sure you can relate to most, if not all, of these.

1. We act way too much alike.

2. This is a very scary thing at times.

3. We have the best time making memories together.

4. You always make me laugh.

5. But then you also have the ability to make me want to scream.

6. I'm sorry for wanting to scream at you, but you get irritated over nothing sometimes.

7. I do, too, so there's another reason why we are identical.

8. We both have hair curlier than curly fries.

9. You love to spend time outside just as much as I do.

10. Then you always remind me to put sunscreen over my entire body so I don't get skin cancer.

11. You are always watching out for me.

12. Sometimes this makes me aggravated because I want to figure things out on my own.

13. You've been through everything already, so I know you are just watching out for me and making sure I don't make those same mistakes.

14. You go on long walks with me.

15. You always have a life-lesson in mind during all of your stories.

16. Sometimes I don't want to hear these lessons, but I am always thankful for them in the long-run.

17. You've taught me more than anyone else ever has.

18. Your lap is one of my favorite places to sit.

19. Sorry for that because I know I'm not the lightest thing to be sitting on you.

20. You love food just as much as I do.

21. We can both eat more than anyone I have ever seen, yet we always "make room" for dessert.

22. You let me try the first bite of your meal every night.

23. Half of the time, I end up eating your meal because for some reason, it just "tastes better" off of your plate.

24. You love to take road trips.

25. You act younger than I am when we go to unknown places.

26. You make the funniest videos.

27. All of my friends love you.

28. Sorry I publicize you on social media because I know you hate it, but one day you will thank me because you're basically famous.

29. You're older than most dads, but that doesn't bother me. It just means you're...you know..."the older but wiser" thing.

30. We have fun wherever we go.

31. Your love is unconditional.

32. You love me when it's hardest to love.

33. You have seen me at my worst.

34. You accept me, flaws and all.

35. You are the only person who understands my language.

36. You always laugh at me.

37. You always make me feel like a comedian, so thanks for the confidence boost.

38. You remind me to always do my best.

39. You are always proud of me if I do just that.

40. You don't push me to be a perfectionist because you know only Christ is perfect.

41. You remind me to live my life for Christ every single day.

42. You are the wisest man I know.

43. Your struggles have only made you stronger.

44. You are my motivator.

45. You have helped me overcome my toughest battles.

46. You have reminded me to give God the glory through it all.

47. Never once have you left me on my own.

48. Except that one time I was accidentally locked in a car at age 3, but I survived.

49. You bring out the best in me.

50. You've taught me how to be tough.

51. I'm stubborn because of you.

52. I am also hard headed because of you.

53. I never know what is going to come out of your mouth.

54. Most of the time it's something to make me laugh.

55. If it doesn't make me laugh, it makes me think.

56. You make me think to teach me a lesson.

57. You are also my workout partner.

58. You love ice cream (almost) as much as I do.

59. You take me to get a half-price milkshake at Sonic just about every night.

60. You love being outdoors, which is why I HATE being inside.

61. You are the best fisherman I know.

62. Even though you are impatient, you have taught me how to be patient, as ironic as that sounds.

63. You've taught me how to handle things.

64. You tell me it's okay to be the different one.

65. You hate drama as much as I do.

66. You always read over any project or paper I have to write.

67. You encourage me.

68. You've been there for me through all of my firsts: first Christmas, first word, first steps, first day of school, first deer, first fish, first heartbreak.

69. I know you are only a phone call away.

70. Or 87, because we all know you never answer your phone.

71. You often remind me to "put that dang phone up" and enjoy the little moments with those who matter most.

72. You are my hunting buddy.

73. I always miss you when you/I leave.

74. You always welcome me with a huge hug that almost makes me lose my breath and a kiss on the cheek.

75. I can always count on you.

76. You are my best friend.

77. You remind me not to get bent out of shape over a boy.

78. You want to hurt any boy that hurts your baby girl's heart.

79. You remind me that God has someone so special just for me.

80. No one can ever take your place.

81. You are everything I hope for my future husband to be.

82. You will always be my #1 man.

83. I will always be your little girl.

To have a father who means all of this and more to me is a blessing. I know that no matter where I go in life, he is always there with me. From the bottom of my feet to my tiniest curl, there's no doubt that I'm my daddy's little girl!

"Start children off in the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." -Proverbs 22:6
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