There is nothing more miserable and stressful than studying for finals. The biggest obstacle for all of us is the lack of motivation and the lack of patience to be home for Christmas. Recently, I discovered that rock music is the best type of music to motivate a person. It's upbeat, keeps you alert, and honestly just fun to jam out to. In this article, I will provide you with some 80's rock songs for different parts of studying for finals.
1. Highway to Hell by AC/DC
The perfect time to blast this song is when you're in the car going to the library or just about to crack open a book to study. Even though the library certainly isn't the promised land, you know what you're in for. Hours of writing flashcards and reading all those missed chapters you were supposed to keep up with during the semester.
2. Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard
This song comes in to play when you're about to indulge in your 6th cup of coffee for the day. Whenever you need a caffeine (sugar) boost, this song is perfect to sip on your coffee while jamming out.
3. You Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC
The perfect time to blast this song is when it's 2 a.m and you still find yourself at a desk and not in your bed. It's enough of a pump up song to get you to stay up and finish you're working on. If you're going to pull an all- nighter, might as well listen to some AC/DC, and specifically this song.
4. Livin On a Prayer by Bon Jovi
This song is personally one of my favorites. A great time to give this song a listen is when you're in the middle of finals week and you're on the edge of a mental breakdown. What more of a perfect time for Bon Jovi to remind you that you're halfway there and you're going to make it.
5. Don't Stop Believing by Journey
If you don't know all of the lyrics to this song or never even heard the song, you've clearly never been to a bar or any social gathering. Sing along to this classic right before you're about to take your last final exam. Even though it's the last test of the semester, try to keep the motivation alive and believe you'll ace it.
6. More Than A Feeling by Boston
Last but not least, put this classic on full blast when you're in the car to go home. You're going home for break which means no work for a few weeks and that for sure is more than a feeling.
This is just a select few of the many rock classics out there to get you through this dreadful week. Even if this type of music isn't your thing, remember to keep yourself motivated and take a few breaks now and then while studying. Rock and Roll your way through finals