I love listening and watching old movies and such back in the 80s! There are so many songs and movies from that time!! So let's beat it, just beat it. Here are some favorites such as eye of a tiger, and so much more. Most of these songs are the ones that mostly everyone knows and knows the lyrics to most of these songs which is awesome! So lets dance all the way out of the ballpark or make it easy to follow along with the rest of the song! Keep track of the beat and go all the way out on the song and make it better for everyone else to follow along There are probably some of them you may have heard of but the rest you may have known from the radio or on television! Since tomorrow through Sunday is a show called Footloose that I am helping out with! The 80s had some wonderful things during the works of the time frame. Some people know some of these songs but others may not know these songs but who knows. I decided to do something with the 80s this week and next week! Some of these songs and movies are some of my favorites and watched a lot too! Especially put those dancing shoes on and cut loose from one of the songs footloose!! It is awesome and many people will like this as much as I do!! There are so many fun songs during this part of the song! I hope everyone likes my article for this week! Here are the top movies and songs from the 80s:
Top Songs from the 80s: Footloose, Another Bites the Dust, Let's Dance, Jessie's Girl, Eye of a Tiger, I Love Rock 'n Roll, Beat It, Billie Jean, Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go and Lean on Me
Top Movies from the 80s
1. Footloose took place in the 80s in 1984 which was moving from Chicago, a newcomer Ren McCormmick is in shock where he discovers the same Midwestern town he now calls home has made dancing/rock basic illegal. It is hard for Ren to fit in. He faces an uphill battle to change things. The help of his new friend, Willard Hewitt and defiant teen Ariel more he might loosen up this conservative town a bit.
2. Little Shop of Horrors is one of my favorite movies and musical which is a fabulous show!
3. Hairspray
4. Dirty Dancing- don't put baby in the corner!
5. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
6. Back to the Future
7. Batman
8. Sixteen Candles
9. The Breakfast Club
10. The Outsiders
11. The Karate Kid
These are some of my favorite movies and songs that I love during the 1980s which is awesome! The 80s was a great time with some of the favorites. Next week will be more with the 80s but hairstyles and clothing so stay tuned to next week.