November 17, 1936...
Teddy Langlotz, Eugenia Crawford, Frances Barnes, and Kay G. Noll founded the first, finest, and oldest sorority existing on Hofstra University's campus.
Present Day...
Alpha Theta Beta Sorority celebrates 80 years of sisterhood, continuing on as the finest group of women Hofstra has ever seen.
How do I know this?
Because I am lucky enough to be one of the many incredible women who wear these letters so proudly. Alpha Theta Beta Sorority is a home to me, my 36 fellow active sisters, and the countless alumnae who embrace me like I am one of their own. The bond I share with my sisters, past and present, is proof that sisterhood lasts beyond four years. The evening pictured above was taken at our "Sisters Only" dinner to celebrate the 80 years of history, tradition, and love that are still so apparent today.
So here is to you Alpha Theta Beta & my lovely sisters— there is no one I would rather be, than an AOB.