The clock struck 12 and it is officially the start of a brand new year. A popular trend that people share around the near year is that of creating New Year's resolutions. Though it is really easy to drop these resolutions after the second week of January, some habits are easier to form and can turn into a part of your daily routine. Here are 8 resolutions to take on in 2017.
1. Stop procrastinating
This one always seems to be pretty popular, but only because it's super easy to do. Let's be honest, would you rather go out today and just finish your assignment tomorrow? The usual answer is yes, and that would definitely be my answer too. Procrastinating isn't a very good idea to do because you always find yourself anxious and rushing right before your deadline. Start all your projects early this year.
2. Find more time for you
Life can be very stressful at times, and if we take 2016 for example, it can be very hard and devastating. Taking time out of the day to relax and be with yourself is a great way to relieve stress and balance yourself out. This could mean taking a day out of the week or even 30 minutes a day to just sit and relax or even nap a little. Take some time out of your busy life and be alone, it'll be worth it.
3. Visit somewhere new
No, I'm not telling you to book an expensive flight around the world, but you totally could. There are so many places near where you live that you haven't explored. This could be neighboring cities, national parks, or even a different state or country. Make 2017 the year you explore different places and brighten your horizons.
4. Watch a new television series
I've re-watched The Office a number of times and haven't really taken the time to try new shows. Though it's fun to watch the same show, it's even better to obsess over a new one. Use 2017 as a time to update your viewing status.
5. Strengthen relationships that are already there
I know plenty of people wish new and strong relationships upon the New Year, but it's even better to fortify the ones you already have. Whether that be a relationship with a romantic partner, a friend, or even a family member, having a strong bond with someone is something special.
6. Change what you don't like
It's super easy to complain about things we don't like instead of actually fixing it. I get it, I'm guilty as well, but with the coming of a new year, it's best to change what we don't like in order for us to be happy. Be courageous and take a risk and make your life whatever you want it to be.
7. Focus on your career goals
2017 can be the year that you harness down all of your goals and actually achieve them. Make 2017 the year that you focus on your career goals and how to obtain them. Whether that be finding new internships or doing better in school, use the new year to build towards your future.
8. Take care of yourself
A popular New Year's resolution is to work out more but it's also the first resolution to be dropped. Make 2017 the healthiest year of your life. Eat right, work out, and get enough sleep and you'll find that you are in a better mood and in the best shape of your life.
New Year's resolutions are a way for people to change or improve their lives. No matter what your resolution may be, the most important thing is that you actually keep up with them and get to where you want to be.