Having been involved in Music Ministry both at home and here at Loyola for quite some time, I've come to love and rely on a playlist of a variety of different songs to get me through homework and just my general daily life. I usually pray through song or through journaling, so this playlist is pretty special for me. Here's a peek into my playlist, with some of my favorite worship songs.
1. I Will Lift My Eyes
Favorite Lyric: I may stumble, I may fall and get lost on the journey, and my path will surely lead me to the shadow of death. Yet, I will not fear the storm for you are ever with me, never leaving me to face my fears alone.
2. Restless Is The Heart
Favorite Lyric: Make us know our life’s shortness
that we may gain true wisdom of heart.
In the morning, fill us with your love.
3. Take Me As I Am
Favorite Lyric: Take, O, Take me as I am. Summon out what I shall be. Send your seal upon my heart and live in me.
4. Nada te Turbe
Favorite Lyric: Nada te turbe nada te espante;
quien a Dio tiene nada le falta.
Nada te turbe, nada te espante;
sólo Dios basta.
May nothing disturb you, may nothing admonish you. He who has God within does not lack anything. May nothing disturb you, may nothing admonish you. God is enough!
5. Ukuthuka
Favorite Lyric: Kulumhlaba we zono
Igazi like Jesu lin yenyez'
In this (broken) world of troube
The blood of Jesus flowed (so that you could have)
Ukuthula - Peace
Ukuthula - Peace
Usindiso - Redemption
Ukubonga - Praise
Ukutholwa - Faith
Ukunqoba - Victory
Induduzo - Comfort
Yes, I know I wrote the entire song here, but this song really speaks to me.
6. In Christ Alone
Favorite Lyric: No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.
7. A Place at the Table
Favorite Lyric: For everyone born, a place at the table,
to live without, and simply to be,
to work, to speak out, to witness and worship,
for everyone born, the right to be free.
8. Canticle of the Turning
Favorite Lyric: Though I am small, my God, my all,
you work great things in me.
And your mercy will last from the depths of the past
to the end of the age to be.
There are literally thousands of worship songs, so if these don't float your boat, explore the vast collection of songs that gifted composers have come up with. Find what works best for you!