1. They love to talk about the weather.
This is actually pretty understandable. When you live in a state that boasts a 71 degree change in temperature over 24 hours, this is a pretty exciting thing to discuss.
2. Ice fishing is fun.
Sitting in the freezing cold with a fishing rod in the water. How much more Minnesotan can you get? When I first moved to Minnesota, I thought ice fishing was just something for old men drinking beer. To my surprise, these people love freezing their toes while failing to get a bite.
3. Everywhere is south except for them.
I’m from Iowa, and I am pretty sure my Minnesotan friends are surprised I don’t talk like Dolly Parton. Some of my friends like to remind me that even parts of Canada are south of Minnesota.
4. The ultimate vacation spot is further north.
Everyone owns or knows someone who owns a cabin. Going further north to go fishing is the ultimate vacation for Minnesotans. For some reason, in a land of ten thousand lakes, the ones three hours away are better than the ones in your back yard.
5. “Minnesota Nice” excludes Wisconsin and Iowa.
This is a sneaky one. In Minnesota, people stay at four-way stops for five minutes waving each other on and apologizing when you run into them, but if you mention you are from Wisconsin or Iowa, the tables turn.
6. The fear of getting hit by a deer is real.
This would make sense in northern Minnesota, but I live in the middle of a Twin Cities suburb. Still, I have been ten feet from deer at least four times in the past semester. I used to only worry about deer while in my car, now even walking through campus is like being on a Minnesotan safari.
7. Paul Bunyan landmarks are plentiful.
Yet they still think this is helpful for directions. The list of popular landmarks also includes Lucette, Babe the blue ox, huge fish, and huge deer (a statue this time).
8. Somehow, they hook you (pun intended).
Minnesota is cold, fish-obsessed, deer infested, and hostile to “southerners.” Still, if you aren’t careful you’ll find yourself calling it home, you betcha!