After the holidays it's always hard to get back on track even though you have a million different things that need to get done. Here's some ways to get your brain back into work mode after the holiday break:
1. Make Lists
This will help you figure out what still needs to get done and when you should do these things. It'll help with time management and it'll break down each item that you need to get done.
2. Listen To Some Killer Music
Make yourself a bomb playlist, that way you can get things done with some motivation. Make a playlist as long as you want to study for so it'll keep you motivated.
3. Stop Watching Hours And Hours Of Netflix
You've had all break to do this, although it's very hard not to, it will only make your tasks harder to finish. So take a break from watching Netflix or TV and get working.
4. Isolate Yourself
Being with family and your siblings all break long has exhausted the most of us, try doing some work by yourself and see how much you can get done.
5. Head To The Library
This will force you to get your work done. I personally hate the library, but it does help me get my work done and then I can say that I don't have much left to do because I've already done most of it in the library.
6. Reward Yourself
After doing some work or most of it reward yourself by taking a quick nap and eating leftovers because you need all the motivation you can get to finish out the semester.
7. Time Is Running Out
You've had all week to do this homework assignment or paper, you can get it done and you can do well on it if you put in the work. Most of your work will be due within the week or professors will already think you've done your work and add more homework so the more you get done during the weekend the more you can do other things.
8. Realize That There Are Only Three Weeks Left Until Winter Break
You have only three weeks till Winter break, that means only three more weeks of suffering and slaving over homework, and only three more weeks dealing with your roommates and the cafeteria. You can do it!
Hopefully all of these will help when it comes to focusing on school-work again! If you haven't tried these tricks, you should, because they definitely help me.