Any belief you may have about yourself, other people or your environment can either support and nourish you or diminish and harm you. Self-belief is one of the most important qualities of a happy and successful person. You can be the most beautiful and intelligent individual, strong athlete or clever entrepreneur, but without self-belief these qualities may never come out to the full extent. Self-belief is the foundation of your success both in life and work. In most cases, self-belief is something that we grow up with, but it doesn’t mean that we cannot develop this sense as adults. The following list can help you conquer your self-beliefs about yourself despite past failures.
1. Volunteer
Many people tend to say they are too busy or don’t have enough time to volunteer. Or there are those who volunteer because it is a great thing to have on your resume. Regardless, even in the most developed and successful society, there are always people who need help. By going out and volunteering, you can simply make someone’s day a little bit better. You may be the only ray of sunshine they see that day. Nothing improves your self-esteem more than helping others out when they are in need. Charity and volunteer work can help not only other people in solving their problems, but it can also help you to feel better about yourself.
2. Make a list of your achievements
No matter how big or small, everyone has their own personal achievements. Everyday when I wake up, I write down three positive achievements in my journal. Whether it be a difficult situation in my life where I found a way out or things that I am proud of. Making such a list will be a great psychological motivation that will help you believe in yourself.
3. Surround yourself with people who believe in you
If there are many people around who constantly criticize you and bring you down, no wonder you cannot fly. Negative people can play a huge role in your life. “A negative mind will never give you a positive life.” Try to eliminate such people from your life or at least communicate with them only if you don’t have other choice. Instead, find friends with similar interests and values who will support you and make you better.
4. Accept yourself
To believe in yourself, you need to first accept you for who you are. Everyone has flaws, acknowledge your own flaws and maybe work on them. Accept your good qualities. Love yourself for all that you are because if you don’t accept and love yourself - who will?
5. Change your perspective
It’s easy to get caught up in the negative aspects of our life, but we must try to focus on the positive. I know it’s easier said then done but rather than focusing on the negative, try and find the good in every bad situation. Therefore, it will be much easier for you to progress.
6. Study yourself
Everyday I battle with depression and always find myself reading mental health books or TED talks related to depression. It helps me get a better understanding of the types of issues I am dealing with and definitely aides my personal growth. Learn, research, think. The knowledge of how the world and people work can bring you peace and confidence.
7. Have your own goals
Be ambitious. Try to make an inventory of the goals you have for the next year, five years or your whole life. Evaluate every one of them. Is this really your own goal or just a picture from a popular magazine? Do you really want this or was it thrust on you by your spouse, boss or society? By fulfilling these goals, you start to become more and more ambitious. You can start believing in yourself only if you are fully honest about your true desires. Don’t waste your life on living someone else’s dream and start respecting your own wishes.
8. Stop comparing yourself to other people
Your appearance, achievements, salary and other things should not be compared to other people’s ones. Everyone has his or her own way, goals and results. Don’t waste your time, emotions and energy to compete with everyone around. Do what you do and be the best version of yourself. There will never be another version of you.