Finals week: the week all college students spend 15 weeks trying to avoid. The week before finals week, what we at The University of Alabama refer to as "dead week," is anything but dead. No matter which major you are in, it seems like all college students can bond over the never-ending stress, and lack of sleep. Here are my eight ways to help relieve that stress during finals.
1. Schedule nap breaks
It is scientifically proven that lack of sleep is one of the main factors of poor academic performance. In my time at college, there has not been a week go by where I haven't taken a nap. Obviously, during finals week, you are going to be lacking in sleep. If you schedule a nap break after doing a certain amount of work, you are more likely to be efficient in your work and be less sleep deprived.
2. Work Out
Again, exercise science shows that people who exercise regularly are more capable of handling stress, are more energetic and feel better overall. Feeling better and having energy translates to higher academic performance, and if your study material is frustrating you, slamming some weights around is an excellent way to relieve mental stress.
3. Get in touch with yourself
No explanation is needed here. Just have some quiet time to yourself to reflect and think about... anything.
4. Soaking in a bath.
As a guy, it is weird for me to admit that I love taking baths when I'm stressed out. However, because I work out a lot and my muscles tighten up, taking hot baths is almost a necessity. Soaking in a bath with Epsom salts and lavender/peppermint oil will melt away anything on your mind, as well as make your skin glisten and your muscles relax.
5. Watching the sunrise/sunset in the park.
As cliche as it sounds, simply watching the sun rise or sun set is an incredibly humbling experience. I am the type of person to brew a cup of coffee in the morning, then sit and do nothing while enjoying the coffee. So, I will wake up early one morning, bring my coffee out to the river walk, and be alone with myself and nature. It always reminds me that the stress of college is all for a good reason, and to appreciate the opportunity I have to gain a college education regardless of the stress.
6. Go for a drive.
Hitting the open road, with your rubber tearing up the American asphalt, can be one of the most liberating experiences when you just need to escape. Driving a Mustang, nothing brings me more pleasure than cranking up my car, rolling down the windows, and driving back roads until I forget why I left in the first place. Whether you want to hear your engine roar, see some beautiful landscape, or just jam out to your favorite playlist, driving is easily one of the easiest stress relievers on this list.
7. Organize a study group.
If it is done correctly, studying in a group can turn four hours of studying into two hours. Not only do you get to read other people's notes and hear the information for your finals repeated to you from a different source, but you can also feel better knowing that other people are just as stressed out as you are about finals.
8. Maintain your schedule.
Utilizing a planner is essential to success in college, and finals week is no exception Having a schedule on paper and following your game plan for the week is crucial to thriving, not just surviving, finals week. Schedule break times, nap times (see #1), and technology times around studying; having your phone go off while you study can become a slippery slope of non-productivity.
If you find that your dead week or finals week is getting the most of you, one of these activities above is sure to help relieve the unrelenting aura of stress that is finals week.