8 Ways To Promote Social Justice And Dignity For All | The Odyssey Online
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8 Ways To Promote Social Justice And Dignity For All

Social media is not the only answer to be socially active

8 Ways To Promote Social Justice And Dignity For All

We hear you... we see you.. we are listening and we are angered. Our call as humans in society is for justice to be served. The recent murder of George Floyd has sparked an outrage against a nation and has really allowed for the Black Lives Matter movement to gain momentum. Many people have mixed feelings at this point regarding police brutality and what must be done. Many have started advocating for change and in order for justice to happen, people must understand the more they can do. Here are 8 ways to promote social justice and dignity for all:

Participating in social media promotions and trends

Blackout Tuesday occurred on June 2 2020 and it was an organized movement to raise awareness for Black Lives Matter. Instagram users put a picture that was all blacked out and used hashtags such as #blackoutTuesday and #Blackout2020. These posts flooded the news feed of Instagram users and raised awareness.


There are many restaurants and products you use that are for or against this movement and if you are against this movement here are some food places too avoid.

Donate Money

Find a local organization that you support that will help raise awareness such as Black Lives Matter or if there is an organization that is in your community promoting change.

Support black owned businesses

Even as COVID-19 lockdowns are starting to get restricted it is only fair that you support black owned business. They need you more than ever and you can create a change.


Don't forget to attend a protest if you feel the need to. With COVID-19 it may for some people be unsafe but if you do protest don't forget to take precaution. Be sure to make a creative poster and join a group of friends or family to really make it a bonding time.

Engage in discussions with families and friends

It is only important that your family and friends know what is going on. So keep them informed which will help you share the work you are doing and

Support Black Musicians and music

It is a time to recognize how the African American community has made a positive impact in culture and in music particularly. Be sure to make a Spotify playlist or look one up to be in the spirit of advocating for Black Lives Matter.

Don't back down when things are rough

There will be bumps and obstacles to climb over with a social movement, but remember what you are really here for. Don't let these setbacks affect your mood. Good things comes to those who fight and wait for change.

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