Finals week; it can be painful, stressful and make you get to the point of being just done. Well luckily for us there is a way to survive finals week with all of your hair and good grades.
1. Get a change of atmosphere: Don’t just stay in your dorm or your apartment. Go to a coffee shop or the library, or some place that is not your normal place to study. Trust me it will do a world of difference. Your brain will enjoy the change of space and you won’t get bored as easily.
2. Treat Yourself: Go get yourself some ice cream, go see a movie, go for a walk. Do something you would not normally do. By doing this you again give your brain a break for a little bit will make it easier for you to go back and study once you are done treating yourself.
3. Go Outside or Exercise: The more you get your blood flowing and away from those books the better it will be for your poor tired brain. And by doing a form of physical activity will help release endorphins, which in turn will make you feel happier and less stressed.
4. Watch your favorite show: Relax, enjoy the little break that does not come often during dead-week and finals week. So enjoy a show whether it is a mystery or a comedy; watch it and enjoy the break.
5. Go out to eat: go get some pizza, maybe a burger; whatever you want, go get it. All you have to do is enjoy doing it, bring your friends, significant other, or just go by yourself. Either way, enjoy yourself.
6. Take a bath: put on some good music, light some candles, read a book if you so desire. Pick out your favorite bubble bath and just chill. Enjoy being able to take a break and feel yourself relax.
7. Make some cookies: go get some frosting, premade cookies you can just toss in the oven (or just eat the cookie dough) and make super cute cookies and then eat them.
8. Go Hang Out with Friends: Even if they also have finals they are worried for, get together with them and make sure that school is the last thing on your mind. Whether you guys are getting coffee at your guy’s favorite coffee shop, or chilling at someone’s house. Distract yourself for a little bit.
Finals suck, every college student knows that. But there are ways to make them suck just a little less; even more than what is written above. So basically take a whole lot of deep breaths, make sure you are getting enough sleep and find a way to let yourself relax. Your body and your grades will thank you for it.