When you're in college, it's inevitable that you're going to end up getting sick. I've provided a list of thing to do to help you get better. You're welcome.
1. Sleep!!!
When sick, literally the best thing you can do for your body is sleep. It helps you fight off the virus and allows you get better faster.
2. Drink water
Hydrating yourself is key. It'll help flush out all the bad (some good as well), but it's also a good way to make sure you don't sweat out all your fluids if you're running a fever.
3. Take medicine
Honestly, if you aren't taking medicine when you're sick, you're just making your odds even worse. If there's one thing you should do when sick, this is it. It will shorten the amount your sick for and will help you feel better during the day.
4. Drink tea
Tea is your BEST FRIEND when sick, especially if you have a sore throat. The heat of the tea will soothe the inflammation and make it easier to talk.
Cough drops not only prevent you from coughing, but they also lubricate your throat. If your throat is dry (aka you have a sore throat) cough drops will save the day. Every. Single. Time.
6. Take hot showers
If your sinuses are backed up, and you cannot breathe through your nose, a hot shower will do you some good. It'll clear up the snot.
7. Go outside
Most people don't know this, but going outside is really healthy for you when sick. Not only do you get Vitamin D from the sun, but it also helps clear up your senses. Staying inside all day will surely leave you feeling stuffy.
8. Eat
Even if you don't eat something healthy, you need to eat. Most people when sick don't feel like eating. It's detrimental to your health if you don't. Your body needs sustenance, especially if you're already down.
So there you have it, my dudes. Stay healthy, and as always, go Bulls!