In college, free time is very rare. Whenever I get the chance to have some time to myself or just time to spend not doing school, sports, or work, I try and make the most of it!
1. Journaling
I recently have started becoming very into journaling. Whether it is just to let my emotions out or to tell a story. I have learned that writing out how and what I feel is the best way to let my mind free.
2. Daily Devotional
My church back home has started a new year long daily devotional that goes through the whole Bible. Yes, I mean the whole thing. I started off strong but getting back into the swing of school has faltered me a little bit. Having a plan though surely has been a motivator in this process.
3. Pinterest
Ahhh Pinterest. Home of DIY projects, coffee shop photos and a wardrobe that one can only dream of. I treat my Pinterest like my child. Tending to it everyday and making sure each board is neat, tidy and always stocked. #isthatweird?
4. C O F F E E
Coffee dates, Keurig coffee, drive thru coffee or the cute lattes with the foam shapes; it is ALL Greek to me. I cherish any cup I have and make sure to spend whatever I do in my spare time, with a cup in my hand.
5. Running Errands
In a small college town, the list of things to do is slimming. So sometimes a simple trip to Walmart or TJ Maxx with my pals is pleasure enough.
6. Siesta
I never thought I could nap until I came to college. Now, I have to force myself to STAY awake.
7. Goodwill
And boy is it good.
8. Netflix
The beloved place where 90% of college kids spend their time. Binge watching their favorite tv shows or watching 1 1/2 star independent films that wind up having German subtitles and get you sucked into a Netflix world you thought you would never reach.