You probably read this title and thought no caffeine? Is she serious? Yes, I am! Whether it's my friends, peers, or adults; everyone I know usually has some sort of caffeinated beverage in their hand daily; and I'm sure you do too.
Well believe it or not, I'm one of the few people that don't drink coffee or energy drinks. You see those funny memes all over social media about how people can't even talk to someone before they've had their coffee. Like this one...
But there are some great alternatives that anyone can turn to, and it might even save you a few bucks! Here are some ways to get energized without that caffeine addiction and without breaking the bank.
1. Eat a good breakfast
It doesn't have to be anything fancy or take long to make if you are pressed for time. Sometimes some fruit and toast can do the trick to get that metabolism kick started for the day. You will feel less sluggish and tired throughout the morning.
2. Get 8 hours of sleep
We all love sleep, so do yourself a solid and sleep more. Having a well rested body can help you feel more alert and not have to take that nap midday.
3. Move to a cooler area
The heat can be exhausting in some cases, so move to a cooler room with good air conditioning. If it is cold enough outside, take a brisk walk and feeling of the crisp air hitting your face is sure to perk you right up.
4. Exercise/ Yoga
Speaking of walking, get that body moving! Exercise or even some quick stretches in the morning can help increase blood flow throughout the body and keep you alert.
5. Listen to music
Listen to songs that are upbeat or will get you singing. I know Cardi B always gets me hyped in the morning.
6. Use peppermint

Peppermint candy or oil is a great pick me up to stimulate the brain. According to, peppermint can improve memory and increase alertness, while still making you feel relaxed. Whether your eating candy or inhaling the scent, it will get you through the home stretch of your busy day.
7. Shower in the morning
I take showers in the morning instead of at night, because I know my entire body will feel awake afterwards and it won't be as difficult to get ready the rest of the morning.
8. Drink more water
Not only will water splashing your face wake you up, but drinking cold water will keep you hydrated and will allow oxygen to flow through the body properly throughout the day.