Next semester will be here before you know it and being prepared will keep the stress you'll endure more manageable. Whether you are going into your freshman year or senior year, here are a few things you could be doing to prepare yourself for the upcoming semester.
1. Keep the brain juices flowing.
Time to put away the hours spent on Netflix and do something a bit more educational. You could read a book or do something related to your major, but it's important to keep the brain juices flowing now that it's already August and school is just around the corner. It will help you ease back into good study habits right away.
2. Organize your stuff.
If you're moving or even if you aren't moving, it's always nice to start out the new school year with a freshly organized and clean place to live. Keeping up with it and having it stay that way throughout the year is also a good idea as it will reduce stress and make you feel like your life is more put together.
3. Start shopping for books.
There's a good chance that a list of most or all of the books you're going to need is posted already, so you should probably check it out and start searching for them rather than wait until the last minute. You might be able to find some better deals this way, too. Plus, there is less of a chance of used books or rentable books being sold out now.
4. Go through your closet.
I strongly believe in having a solid wardrobe purge at least once a year (sometimes twice, if I'm feeling ambitious). Get rid of clothes and shoes you never wear or ones that just aren't flattering on you. It's time to finally toss those heels that give you blisters every time you wear them and get rid of those graphic tees smushed in the back of your closet. You want to look good and feel good in what you're wearing when the semester starts.
5. Write down your schedule for the semester.
I like to make mine all neat and color coded, but that's not necessary by any means. Having a weekly schedule of classes and activities such as clubs, work and sports is super helpful for referring back to on a daily basis and as the school year is approaching. You could tape it to your wall or in your planner and you're going to be happy that you made it.
6. Start applying for jobs.
If you want to work during the school year, but don't have a job yet, August is a great month to start looking and applying for some. It will be easier to do that now compared to when school starts because you'll be busy with classes and other activities.
7. Stay healthy and active.
Make doctor appointments before the school year starts, if you are due for one, rather than mess with that during the year. Keep up with good eating habits and exercise habits so that those stay with you throughout the school year. Sticking to your health and fitness routine will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle rather than fall into the college slump of junk food and no exercise.
8. Get school supplies.
Start thinking about what you have and what you're going to need for the upcoming semester. Then, make that trip to Target or Office Depot to get the stuff and set it aside so you already have it when classes start. It's cool to be prepared the first week of classes. And who doesn't love school supply shopping?! Fresh pens and binders. It's like heaven.