We all get into funks we just can’t seem to get ourselves out of. It may be a mixture of sadness and uneasiness that just creeps upon you. Or sometimes it has a root cause: school or work stress, fear of the future or relationship issues. Whatever it may be, it is nothing to be ashamed of. It is human to sometimes feel down and you may need to practice a little extra self-care to get out of your mood.
There are certain things I do when I get into one of those moods. They won’t necessarily “cure” me, but they will help ease my mind a bit. Here are some ideas you might want to try the next time you find yourself a little down.
1. Take a bath
It seems like such a simple thing, but it can do wonders. And don’t just take a bath and get out, SOAK. Your muscles will relax in the warm water, and if you close your eyes, everything else falls away. Sometimes I like to take coffee or tea with me and sip it as I soak. Whatever your favorite warm drink is, try keeping it
2. Watch funny videos
It’s so
3. Call your mom/dad/grandma/grandpa/etc.
Yes, friends are wonderful, but sometimes family members are the only ones who can ease your mind. There have been times when I’m feeling down and I call my mom or dad and they just know I’m upset, no matter how much I try to hide it. Talking to the people who love you the most can do wonders for your overall well-being. Of course, if you’re not close to your family, then friends can be a great substitute.
4. Sit outside and write
Here at the College of Charleston, we have the most beautiful campus and there are a few places I love to sit with my journal and write about whatever comes to mind. My favorite place is most definitely The Cistern, but if the weather is yucky, your favorite coffee shop can be just as calming.
5. Work out
“But I hate working out!”
6. Focus on your homework/work
Although I do believe you need to confront whatever is bothering you (if you can identify the source, that is), that is sometimes easier said than done. Sometimes being productive and feeling like you are accomplishing things can actually help lift your spirits.
7. Take yourself on a date
You’ve probably heard that tip a thousand times, but for
8. CRY
I cannot stress this enough. If you can, cry. If you feel like crying and talking through your feelings with someone, even better. You should never be ashamed of your tears. Sometimes our bodies just need a good cry.
I want to tell you something: your feelings are valid. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. Never feel as though you are not worthy to be upset. Of course, if your feelings become too overwhelming, please seek out professional help. However, if you are just going through a blue phase, recognize it and find some ways to overcome it. You are worthy of happiness and sadness. Everyone feels sad sometimes and we should all realize that. No matter your age or gender, do not let people tell you not to cry or not show emotion.
My favorite quote is from poet Iain Thomas:
“Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place.”
Feel all your emotions as much as you can, but do not be disheartened by them.