It happens to everyone who chooses to go on this journey. Nursing school. Sounds fun, right? (Well, some of the time.) All of the rumors that you hear about Nursing being hard is pretty accurate to be completely honest, but it is mostly what you make of it. Even though it is one of the hardest majors to accomplish, it is completely doable as long as you're willing to put the work into it. Learning how to save lives and not kill people takes work. But the work is what makes you go crazy. In one week, I will have no less than 6-8 chapters to read for all of my Nursing courses (not including the non-nursing courses), a few side assignments, and then the other work from the non-nursing classes.
Staying on top of all of it seems a little daunting at first and then when you start to tackle it you start going nuts. You ask yourself, "How long is this chapter?", "Does this assignment need to be done in APA formatting?", "Am I ever going to not be studying?". Every Nursing Major can relate to these questions. So naturally, you have to find ways to not alleviate all that stress and not drive yourself up a wall. So here are my tips for when it comes to not going crazy in Nursing School.
1. Take A Break
I know this sounds so simple, but I feel like when you are studying and you really get into it you never want to stop until you're done. But then you get burnt out and all your motivation goes down the drain! Do an assignment then take a break. Read a chapter then take a break. Don't pile on so much that finishing it all is unrealistic. Work little breaks into your study schedule and it'll make doing work a little more bearable!
2. Find A Good Way To Outlet Your Stress
You are going to be stressed, it is a given. So knowing that, it is good to find some kind of activity to outlet that stress. Like to run? Go run. Like to read, write, or draw? Go and do that. Watch a movie, dance around, take a nap, listen to music, just do something or else I guarantee that you will go crazy.
3. Find Things To Do That Don't Revolve Around Your Classes
I know that Nursing is a giant commitment, but it is good when you just step back from everything once in a while and sort of ignore your classes. Take a day to just veg out, go hangout with friends, go see a movie, go on an adventure! Or, find some kind of activity that you can do every week that doesn't have to do with classes like joining a club on campus that interests you. Devote some time to something fun to give your mind a break.
4. Take You Time
You may think that this sounds a little stupid and kind of fits under some of the previous points, but I promise its different. When you start Nursing school, one of the first things you talk about is taking care of yourself before you take care of others. With all the stress, anxiety, and other emotions nursing school builds up, you start to neglect yourself a little bit. You aren't sleeping as much as you should from the caffeine fueled study sessions, you are eating whatever is convenient most of the time and it's not always the best, and maybe you are ignoring your mental health and letting the stress get to you. That isn't good. Take some you time to take care of yourself and get your life together for your benefit and your future patients.
5. Share The Struggle
Talk to other Nursing majors! Ask for advice, study tips, what to expect, or just talk. Sometimes it is easier to complain to people who went through the same thing or are going through the same thing as you. Share the struggle, make some friends, and find out that you aren't the only one going crazy from school too.
6. Watch Some Netflix
This is sound advice that applies to every situation. Just sayin'.
7. Ask Your Professors For Help
Professors love when you come to them for extra help or clarification. They are there to help you learn and succeed not just to lecture. They will do as much for you as they can so take that resource and use it.
8. Keep Your Goal Insight
This may also seem stupid, but it works. Keep your goals insight! When you are bogged down with work and feel like you are never going to graduate, stop and think that plenty of other people have done the same thing and that you will graduate. Think about the job you will have once you graduate and all the people that you are going to help. Even though you are going a little nuts now, it will all pay off in the end.