Everyone has their thing. That one thing–okay, sometimes it’s more than one–that makes them starry-eyed and giddy. For some it’s comic books, for others it’s handbags and others maybe it’s shoes.
Then there are those like me whose thing is stationery. Yup, you read that right. Stationery. Pens, markers, post-its, notebooks, planners; just thinking about them makes my eyes glaze over. All those bright colors and blank pages just waiting to be written in with my multicolored gel, metallic, glitter and/or erasable pens. I definitely have plenty to choose from–drawers full as a matter of fact.
Walking into Office Depot, Staples or Office Max requires all of my self-control. Aisle after aisle, lined with beautifully displayed writing instruments, inspirational notebooks and sticky notes. First time experiencing the Japanese stationery store, Maido, was life-altering–the clouds parted and I swear I heard a choir of angels sing.
Okay, so it may have just been the radio, but I swear everything seemed to sparkle just a little bit. My hands stayed firmly in my pockets and I will admit, I had to leave before I got myself into serious trouble.
So how did I know I was a stationery addict?
Here are eight warning signs you might be a stationery addict:
1. You don’t just have one set of multicolored pens or markers. You have several. Different sizes, types, inks and tips. You never know what you’ll need, so you have them all just in case.
2. You don’t have to worry about your inventory. You have backup sets of pens just in case one starts running low in the middle of an important doodle, or writing session. Ink refills and pen replacements are always on hand just in case.
3. Post-its are a way of life. Colors, shapes, prints, and your favorite characters are always on hand. You have them all and they each have a specific purpose. How about holiday-specific stickies? Yup, you’ve got those too!
4. You've taken your sticker and stamp collecting to a whole new level. You may not have the scratch and sniff kind anymore, but you've definitely upped your game. I’ve traded my childhood favorite brand, Lisa Frank, for Stickersters on Etsy and stamps to up the glam factor in my planners.
5. Paper Planners > Digital Planners. And finding the perfect one is a mission worthy of SEAL Team Six. I may have more than one in rotation right now, because one just isn’t enough.
6. You know that collection of blank notebooks you have hiding in a drawer? I have one too, and can’t help buying another if the cover is pretty or inspirational enough.
7. You have a special place you keep all your favorite pens handy. If you’re neurotic like me, they’re all the same color. Mine are purple.
8. If you have practice pages in notebooks just to test out your new pens/markers, so you will know exactly how they write when it's the perfect time to use them… You might be a Stationary Addict.
If you’ve reached this point, you’ve found yourself nodding, or trying to justify those drawers of fabulous supplies, it’s time to admit that you just might be a stationery addict.
Welcome to the group! Here’s a metallic purple pen. Sign in, won't you?