Maybe you've been to six festivals, or maybe you've been to 50, either way you'll still never be a 100% prepared. Before attending a festival I recommend making a list. A list of things you need to buy and bring. When heading to a festival you obviously want to pack light, but there will always be something that you forget. I put a list of eight unusually useful items that you should consider when packing. When I say "unusual" I just mean, items that you wouldn't typically think to pack to go camping or for a music festival. I've been to my fair share of music festivals so I'm very confident that these are all items that will come in handy.
1. Baby Powder
Girls, not only does baby powder work as substitute for dry shampoo but, it will also save your life when you’re chaffing. Everyone chaffs we all do it; but why not bring something to help it? Festivals require a lot of walking and it’s usually pretty hot, so that uncomfortable rubbing of your thighs can be fixed with some baby powder. Trust me, this is one thing you’ll be happy you brought.
2. Baby Wipes
Dang, with all these baby products you’d think I’m bringing a baby to a festival (I do not recommend that whatsoever). Just like baby powder, baby wipes are a must, especially when camping. Since there is so much walking at festivals the ground is usually dirt, and dirt clings to your sweaty body. After a night of raging with your best friends, my favorite thing to come back and wipe all of the disgusting gunk off my body, and baby wipes do the trick. They aren't expensive, non-irritating to your skin and your camping crew will thank you for bringing them. Coming back after a long sweaty day and wiping down with some baby wipes is the best feeling.
3. Power Strip/Extension Cord
I know what you’re thinking: a lot of festivals don’t include electricity. And yes in a lot of cases, on ground festival camping does not include electricity. But for the ones who camp off ground or for the festivals that do have electricity, power strips and extensions cords are a must. Power strips are nice because chances are you’re not camping alone and there’s no time for everyone to charge their phones on one outlet. Extension cords are nice at the end of the night. Bring your power strip in the tent that way whatever you need to charge can charge all night without being left outside.
4. Sweatshirt
Most festivals are in the summer so you would never think to bring a sweatshirt. Just because its 90-degrees during the day, doesn’t mean it won’t drop to 50-degrees at night. In my experience it drops, it always drops. You wake up sweating your butt off and go to bed cold as ice. It’s always nice to bring a sweatshirt though — just in case.
5. Shower/Campsite Shoes
When you’re attending a festival you're part of a group of typically more than 30,000 people. And 30,000 people can be disgusting, especially when you have to share showers. That’s why you should always bring a pair of cheap slip on flip flops that you can wear in the shower. They also double as campsite shoes. Many times my friends have forgotten to bring other shoes and are stuck tying their Converses just to walk around. Don’t be that person, bring an extra pair of slip on sandals. (My favorites are the ones shown above - You can get them at Hallmark stores for $8 or try typing in "jesus sandals" on Amazon.)
6. A mirror
I know this one sounds silly, because it’s a festival and who cares what you look like, right? In some cases yes, but in some cases no way José. I like my makeup and hair just like the next person so that’s why a mini stand-up mirror is essential. Having a little mirror that can stand on its own will save you so much hassle. You can sit in your tent, camping chair, picnic table or anywhere to do your makeup. It saves the hassle of taking all your stuff to the bathroom. And festival bathrooms are never fun.
7. Flashlights
This one just seems obvious, but if you don’t write it down you’ll forget to bring it. You’ll think, I don’t need flashlights I have my phone. Don’t listen to yourself, BRING THAT FLASHLIGHT. At the end of the night when the festival is over and your phone is dead (which it will be) you’ll be lost in the dark. Campsites at the end of the night are dark and most don’t let you have a fire, so I’d recommend packing a flashlight first.
8. Glow Sticks
This is just a fun one. Every time I attend a festival I always make sure to stock up on glow sticks. It’s not only fun, but it can actually be another light source. Glow sticks are typically thrown into the crowd at festivals, so the ground is covered with them. So if you forget your flashlight, at the end of the show, walk around and collect all the glow sticks and bring them back to your campsite for a colorful LIT night.
Finally, some last minute things you should grab before
heading out: an extra pair of sunglasses, duct tape, canopy (for shade), portable
speaker, jumper cables and most importantly YOUR TICKET.