Britney Spears is an absolute icon. When girls are feeling down or low about themselves, all they need to do is listen to her songs. These 8 songs are definitely underrated and can be used to help boost a girl’s self esteem if she is needs a confidence boost.
1. Cinderella
This song is bout a girl running away from a bad relationship because she’s had enough.
2. Sometimes
This song says that it is okay that you aren’t perfect because you are trying and all you need is time.
3. Gasoline
If you are thinking you don’t look perfect, listen to this song. This song is all about say that you are bright and hot, so show off your light.
4. Don’t Cry
If some loser breaks your heart, just move on and be stronger when love is broken. Make it your last goodbye and you’ll survive.
5. Let Me Be
When you think there is something wrong with you, just remember to not have any insecurities. Just trust your instincts, because you know what is right.
6. Brave New Girl
If you are unsure of how to go out in society and live, just step outside and feel alive. Don’t behave to fit in, be your brave self.
7. I Will Be There
Remember to always be the one that when someone needs one you’re there. Be there to make everything all right and the person that others can trust.
8. Why Should I be Sad
Seriously, just say good bye, move along...don’t be so committed and restricted.
These are Britney songs that I personally think are terribly underrated. Britney Spears is sometimes just seen as a party girl or known for her breakdown in 2007, but she is so much more than that. Britney is a great role model for girls of all ages. She sings in these songs about being strong and moving on. You should never let someone hold you back in life. Be the best you that you can be and live that life that you want to live, not the one that other people are telling you to live.