Giving birth is a wondrous thing, but there are some symptoms that no one talks about. I'm here to set the record straight and tell you the TRUTH about progeny and it's many challenges. I'm also here to tell you about how it all is worth every once of pain, discomfort, and misery just to hold your baby in your arms for the first time.
1. The indicator is nausea and/or vomiting.
I’ve been pregnant three times now and its something that happens that quick you feel fine one day and then the next day you suddenly change.
2. Dreaming.
I didn’t believe it until I experienced it but while your pregnant you dream some of the most ridiculous dreams.
3. Names.
Picking out a name for your baby for the rest of its life can seem nearly impossible.
4. Your FEET!
Like vomiting, this is another one of those good one day and bad the next. Your feet seriously swell during pregnancy and once you are done being pregnant your a shoe size bigger.
5. Bathroom Problems.
Your baby will put so much pressure on your bladder that you will feel like you will explode every second of the day unless you run to that bathroom.
6. Hair.
Whoever said your baby will be born with a full head of hair if you have a lot of heartburn during pregnancy was waaaay off. Heartburn is yet another symptom of pregnancy and that's it.
7. The Nose Knows.
Getting sick in the beginning of pregnancy is normal and some part of it has to do with your sense of smell. While pregnant smells become much stronger, making women steer clear of certain foods.
8. Labor.
You might poop during labor if you have a vaginal birth and that's ok because it happens quite often.
Pregnancy can be ugly, but not for everyone. Everyone will experience different symptoms but regardless of that, the end result is always the best, which is...HAVING THE BABY!