College is a time for meeting so many new people, but these are eight of the most common personality types everyone encounters during their first year, and you may become any one of them at one point or another.
1. The Perfect Student
This person makes you hate yourself for not being able to keep up. No matter what, they always have everything under control. From all A's to always having their homework done on time, you know this person is some kind of superhuman.
2. The Extreme Procrastinator
This might be you (it's definitely me), but this person always waits until the absolute last minute to do anything. You may find them five minutes before class starts just now starting the homework. Though ALWAYS stressed out, they figure out a way to get everything done somehow.
3. The Partyer
It doesn't matter that it's some random Tuesday night, this person is going out somewhere. You're not sure if they actually ever go to class, or if they just sleep all day until the next party!
4. The Sleeper
Whether they come to class and sleep the whole time, or they just stay in their dorm and sleep right through class, you're don't know if this person is really EVER awake.
5. The Always Late Person
You're almost 100% positive every clock this person owns is set 15 minutes slow. It doesn't matter if it's an 8:00 am or a 2:00 pm class, they're going to be late.
6. The All-Nighter (Every Night)
This person is the exact opposite of the sleeper; you have actually never seen them sleep. They pull all-nighters every day of the week and usually do all of their homework VERY late at night. You're starting to think they are some kind of supernatural being that doesn't need sleep.
7. The Student-Athlete
Being a student-athlete, I can definitely relate to this one. Climbing the stairs to your second-floor class is enough pain on your sore body after leg day to make you want to cry. You may often see this person groaning in pain when trying to sit down in their seat for class.
8. The Best People You'll Ever Meet
The people you meet in college will most likely be your friends for life. Spending countless hours studying and hanging out with them will cultivate a bond so strong it is sure to last forever. You go through all of the struggles of college together and these people will always have your back.