College parties can either be the most entertaining experience or the worst experience of your early college life. No matter where you go, there is a guarantee that you have either seen or met these people at once.
1. The drunk girl sobbing about her life.
This person had too many built up emotions and too much alcohol and mixing them together made her ready to explode like a human firework and release all the built up emotional tension.
2. The couple no one expected to get together.
They came to the party as friends or complete strangers but by the end of the night, you don't even remember ever seeing them apart.
3. The shy quiet kid from your calculus class.
You wouldn't say this is the last person you expected to see at the party because you never expected to see them at all.
4. The person passed out on the lawn or a random couch.
It worries you seeing a person passed out at a random place and you can't help hoping they find their way.
5. The group that leaves late to get food.
They came with their friends but then hunger took over and they started splitting up to satisfy late night pancake cravings.
6. The person that put in too much work to be in theme.
Going out to buy an original version of a costume and then putting in all the extra effort to make it exactly to theme seems like something beyond what you will be willing to do, but go them!
7. The person that needs to snapchat/tweet/blog every moment of the party.
Yeah it's nice that they're feeling themselves and want to post cute pictures, but snapchatting every shot you take is unnecessary.
8. The bored designated driver.
They're being a good friend and making sure they're okay, but being the only sober one among a sea of drunk people acting stupid isn't exactly what they wanted to do with their night.