If any of you have ever worked retail, you know you will experience a wide range of customers. Some of them are good, and some of them you would like to tell off. Every day is a new experience. But here is a list of the customers you can always expect to see:
1. The one who thinks they know your company policy better than you.
This is the person who was explained how things work once, and now assume they are an expert. So please, if you know the policy so well, then do my job for me!
2. The one who has a cart full of returns and can't find the matching receipts.
This is the customer you always try to avoid, but you end up getting before you have to go on break. Usually a woman with a very large purse with receipts from 2 years ago.
3. The one who tries to get a discount for everything.
Either it's a small scratch you can barely notice, something that can be wiped down with water, a string that can be cut off, or whatever other minuscule thing they can find. The customer will try to get everything discounted, and they are usually disappointed when it's not over half off.
4. The one who tries on a ton of merchandise but never buys anything.
Yes, please bring in 50 pieces to the dressing room and not keep one thing. Go ahead and make me run around the jewelry counter to pull out countless pieces so you can play dress-up.
5. The one who gets angry with you for enforcing the store policy.
The customer who doesn't read the return policy, then gets angry when we can't give them their original form of payment. Or when they get angry because we can't hold items for them to purchase a week later. But yes, let me call the manager so they can tell you the exact same thing I told you.
6. The one who brings in their kids but doesn't watch them.
You've seen this. The parents are either on the phone or are too entranced shopping to notice their children have run off to tear everything off the shelves and leave a path of destruction behind them.
7. The one who tears into every box to "check the merchandise".
Once they tear into the boxes, then they don't want to purchase that one because it's not in perfect condition anymore. If you simply ask, an associate would rather carefully open a box for you rather than having to tape up the mess that was created.
8. The one who is kind and makes your day better.