For high school and college students all across the nation, winter break is either just around the corner or already in full swing. For most, this means a time of zero responsibilities and movie marathons. However, if you are like me, the idea of doing absolutely nothing over break sounds completely boring. Yes, I think that a few days of doing absolutely nothing sounds relaxing however, I also know that if I had zero plans or responsibilities over break, I would go completely insane.
Each year before break starts, I make a list of things that I would like to accomplish before the next semester starts in January. Here are just a few things that I have planned so far:
1. Work on my senior project
I know, I know. School just ended so why is the first thing on my list more school? Well, because my senior project is a film, specifically an animation, I have to spend winter break writing my script, creating my assets and expanding my characters so that I don't fall behind when the semester starts.
2. Day trips to the city
Luckily I live in a place that is within four hours of New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Baltimore and Washington D.C.
3. Read, Read, Read
My winter booklist includes The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith, Room by Emma Donoghue, Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott, Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and The Story Solution by Eric Edson.
4. Try out new recipes and make some old ones
Each year when I return from school I make my family a humungous batch of homemade hot chocolate that is supposed to last for quite sometime. (Spoiler alert: It goes rather quickly.)
On top of hot chocolate, this year I'm going to try out some new recipes for black bean burgers and delicious vegan scones.
5. Create something
I love art and like to keep my creative juices flowing over break so I plan on makings one or two short videos as well as roping my sister into doing a few photo-shoots with me.
6. Get outside
When you live somewhere cold, it's easy to spend all of break cooped up inside your house. This break, I'm trying to find a nice place to go ice skating.
7. Learn a new skill
Personally, I want to learn how to sew so that I can cross-stitch memes and Tumblr posts into gifts for my friends.
8. Catch up on TV shows and maybe start a new one
This break, I plan on finishing the fourth season of Orphan Black ( god bless Tatiana Maslany) and finally watching the final season of Parks and Recreation.
This might seem like a lot to accomplish in just a month, but I plan on putting my time to good use. What are some of your plans for this winter break?