It's official!! After canvassing the town for weeks, you finally get a phone call from the grocery store/fast food restaurant/local mall asking to schedule a job interview. But are you prepared? I have held a part-time job for 3 years and I have learned some tricks of the trade that will help each new member of the working class succeed at their own part-time job!
1. Dress to impress
A common saying is to dress for the job you want, not the job you have. Dress professionally during any interview or training session that you attend. Managers will take notice of your professional appearance from the beginning.
2. Make friends with your co-workers
Face it, you are going to be spending 15-20+ hours a week with these individuals. Your shifts will go by a lot faster (and more enjoyably) if you make friends with your co-workers. Learn how long they have been with the company, what shifts they usually work and any advice that they might have for you. Who knows - they may even be willing to cover a shift for you if you ever need to call out sick.
3. Take the extra shift
The goal of a part-time job is to learn valuable skills such as responsibility, accountability and professionalism. Show that you want to be an effective team member by covering a co-worker’s shift, staying late when asked, or coming in on your day off. Supervisors will notice your willingness to be part of a team and will be more willing to compromise in the future.
4. Be on time
If your shift starts on the hour , you should be at the store, ready to work a few minutes early. Most likely, someone else is waiting until the next shift arrives to go home. Your co-workers will appreciate it! This can be especially difficult if you are scheduled for an early morning shift, but it is worth it!
5. Set up a direct deposit and use it
One of the reasons you got a job was to have a paycheck to pay for school or fun activities with friends. Most companies offer direct deposit, so your paycheck is automatically added to your bank account on payday. Don't forget to save a percentage of each paycheck too!
6. Ask questions early and learn from the answers!
Don't be afraid to asked silly questions or clarify a certain protocol. It is much easier to ask random questions in the first few weeks of a new job than two months later.
7. Learn to manage your time
Suddenly, the hours you used to relax on the couch and play video games are nonexistent. Learn to manage your time between school, work and friends. Find a good balance between getting all your homework done, bagging groceries/folding clothes/serving food and hanging with friends.
8. Smile
Always be friendly and helpful when interacting with customers, managers and co-workers, especially when it is difficult. Customers take notice when you are friendly and engage them in pleasant conversation. They may even leave a compliment with your manager!
Following these 8 tips will help ensure that you become a full-time pro at your part-time job! Have a good shift!