The holiday season is upon us, which means the semester is very close to ending…which also means a lot of stressful nights. Self-care is extremely important all year, but especially during the most stressful weeks of the semester.
Here are a few, friendly reminders as we head into our finals:
1. Do not procrastinate.
It is easy to push all of your responsibilities to the side and get wrapped up in the holiday festivities. It is only natural to be mentally “checked out” for the semester, but fight the urge as much as possible. Try to get your assignments done proactively so you can have time to relax before it is all due at once. Make a list of all the assignments that you have left for the semester. It will help to keep you organized, and crossing items off your list will be very satisfying.
2. Get plenty of sleep.
Sleep is important. Pulling all-nighters will make you more tired for the rest of the week, and decrease your productivity. It will be more beneficial for you to get up early and work through your assignments during any and all of your free time, than to stay in the library until 2 AM. Some people work best under pressure and at night, but remember to get as much sleep as you can during the stressful weeks.
3. Eat!
Remember to eat balanced meals. So many times, students will forget to eat because they are trying to get everything done or they bring their box of Goldfish to the library and eat them for lunch and dinner. You will feel better if you continue eating your regular meals and get plenty of fruits and veggies. Side note: I am not a dietitian, but we have all been there at some point and regret not eating substantial meals.
4. Talk to your parents.
More than likely, they are your biggest cheerleaders in life. Talk to them a few times during finals week and get distracted from your responsibilities as your mom goes on for twenty minutes about your holiday plans. Your parents will encourage you and keep you motivated to work hard and finish strong. Or you can call and let them know how stressed you are, and maybe you will get out of cleaning the house during your first week home?! Sorry mom.
5. Have some “me” time.
Make sure you schedule time to do something for yourself. Whether you: take a nap, go for a walk or a drive, or just ‘veg’ out for a bit, make sure you are finding time to distress. The campus rec. center is usually a great place to go to burn some steam and prepare your body for all of the holiday food that you are about to consume. No matter what you choose to do, just schedule time for yourself.
6. Watch a movie.
Have you ever thought about the convenience of having “25 Days of Christmas” during the most stressful time in the fall semester? ABC Family, or Freeform, gives you the perfect excuse to forget all responsibilities each night. A few recommendations for you: "A Year without a Santa Claus", "Four Christmases", "The Holiday", "Christmas with the Cranks", and >The Sound of Music". Alright, so "The Sound of Music" is not technically a Christmas movie, however it is a classic and snowflakes and warm-woolen mittens are mentioned during “My Favorite Things” so it counts.
7. See your friends.
This is, potentially, the last week that you will be able to spend time with your college friends for a month and a half. Enjoy being around the corner or down the hall from them. No one can relate to the stress you feel better than people in your major, so get coffee and just talk about anything. You will feel much better after spending time with your friends.
8. See the Silver Lining.
It is almost over. Whether you are finishing your first semester or your last, you did it! Keep pushing through, and think about the break that is coming your way. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and you will be able to fully engulf yourself in the holiday spirit once that last paper is submitted and exam is completed.
Best of luck studying for finals. You CAN do it! May the curves be ever in your favor.