Many issues divide people from one another today. As tension increases, a unifying factor has emerged in the lives of (mostly) Millennials: Pokémon Go. This new Pokémon game, available in the app store for your Apple or Android phone, was released on July 6, 2016 and has already inspired merchandise, pub crawls, and even players taking on real world representations of old game characters, with reports of actual bicycles and fishing poles being given out at Pokéstops (an homage to previous games that, other than improving your mood, won't affect your game play). This game is taking over the lives of many this week and before it takes yours over, here are tips and tricks to help be the very best.
1. How do I find Pokémon?
The most important tip/trick is to leave your house! Go of a walk outside, head to the next city over for dinner and a stroll around the neighborhood. The more you diversify your locations, they broader scope of Pokémon you will find. As you are walking around, be mindful of the box in the lower right hand portion of your screen. This is an indicator of the Pokémon nearby. If the creature is a silhouette, it is not one you have come across yet. Also, be mindful of the paw prints under each picture/silhouette. This is an indicator of how close you are to the Pokémon, zero paw prints means you are right on top of it, three paw prints means you'll need to walk around a bit to find it. Keep in mind that some Pokémon are only out in the day, while some are only out at night.
2. Catching Pokémon
Once a Pokémon appears near you, tap on it to begin catching it. Hold your Pokéball until the ring around the Pokémon is as small as possible, then throw. This will increase the likelihood of catching the Pokémon. As you level up, you will encounter Pokémon with green, yellow, and red rings. These are indications of how difficult this creature will be to catch, green being easiest and red being the most difficult. With difficult Pokémon, you can placate them using berries (available at Pokéstops) or using Ultra and Master Balls, which you will come across in your travels. This will make difficult Pokémon easier to catch. If you want some extra experience points while catching a Pokémon, try throwing a curveball. Draw circles around your Pokéball to build a spin, then throw it.
3. Attracting Pokémon
If you are all set to start catching Pokémon, but can't seem to find any, there are two ways to bring the Pokémon to you. The first is "call incense" and is available for purchase at the shop. This item can be chosen from your pack and will attract Pokémon to you for 30 minutes, without you having to walk around and hunt for them. Incense has mixed reviews with some trainers swearing by it and others saying it only attracts low-level common Pokémon. The other option is to use a lure (available in the shop). If you are posted at a Pokéstop (real world landmark that gives you items in the game), then you can use a lure, which has similar properties to incense but attracts Pokémon to the Pokéstop for all trainers, not just you. According to Digg, to use a lure, "tap on a nearby Pokéstop and look for the little white cylinder about the spinning disc. Tap there to bring up your Lure Modules, and then tap the Module itself to insert it."
4. Evolving/Powering up Pokémon
In order to evolve and power up Pokémon, you need candy. This is obtained by catching a number of that type of Pokémon. For example, to evolve Pidgey, 12 Pidgey Candy are required. A trainer gets around three candy for catching a Pidgey and an extra piece for transferring any duplicate Pokémon to Professor Willow (an option at the bottom of the Pokémon Information screen, click the Pokéball, then click the Pokémon submenu, scrolling down, and selecting "Transfer."). So, I would have to catch three or four extra Pidgeys to evolve one of them.
5. What are Gyms for?
Gyms can help to train your Pokémon but are mostly used for bragging rights. However, if you become a gym leader, there are monetary and item benefits that can be reaped. Once you reach level five, you join a team. The teams are Instinct, Mystic and Valor. Each of them is represented by a color and a legendary Pokémon -- Yellow and Zapdos, Blue and Articuno and Red and Moltres, respectively. The team you choose does not affect game play in any area other than the gyms, which you claim for your team. Below are the speeches each team leader gives before you choose a team:
I’m Candela – Team Valor’s leader! Pokémon are stronger than humans, and they’re warmhearted too! I’m researching ways to enhance Pokémon’s natural power in the pursuit of true strength. There’s no doubt that the Pokémon our team have trained are the strongest in battle! Are you ready?
I am Blanche, leader of Team Mystic. The wisdom of Pokémon is immeasurably deep. I am researching why it is that they evolve. My team? With our calm analysis of every situation, we can’t lose!
Hey! The name’s Spark – the leader of Team Instinct. Pokémon are creatures with excellent intuition. I bet the secret to their intuition is related to how they’re hatched. Come on and join my team! You never lose when you trust your instincts!
6. Battery Life
Pokémon Go sucks the life out of your phone battery like no other app I have ever encountered. The app does have a battery saver mode in the settings. Once you turn on this mode and turn your phone upside down in your pocket, the screen turns off and your phone vibrates whenever something is available to interact with, such as a Pokémon on a Gym. This site has come up with a list of ways to deal with the battery drain issue.
7. Eggs
In your travels you will acquire eggs. These are visible on you caught Pokémon screen in the top-left tab marked "Eggs." To hatch these eggs, you must incubate them (click on one and choose incubate) and walk a set number of kilometers. The egg will require you to walk two, five, or ten kilometers depending on the rareness of the Pokémon within. After you have walked the predetermined length with the app open, your egg will hatch and you will have a new Pokémon.
8. Guaranteed Pikachu
If you really want to make sure you get a Pikachu, there is a secret to make it your starter. Instead of catching Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle as your first Pokémon, walk away from all of them and Pikachu will appear.