Here you are; you finally did it! You have somehow managed to get through all the hustle and bustle of being an education major. You have completed your classes and have had plenty of experience within the classroom. You finally have the necessary tools in your teacher toolbox. So, now it is your time to go out and do this!
You may feel scared and find yourself asking a variety of questions:
What if I mess up? What if my students don’t like me? What if they don’t understand something? What do I do with those crazy parents?
HELP ME! Well, here are a few tips that may help!
1. Relax. Calm down.
I am sure your mind is going crazy, and your starting to stress at the idea that you are finally going to have a classroom of your own. But, trust me, and relax. You are going to do amazing things. Get yourself together.
2. Be Yourself
Cliché, I know. Everyone plants this idea in our heads from the time we are young, bu it is soimportant. Your students are going to love you, I promise. Do not change yourself one bit.
3. Be Brave
You’re going to have to face tough situations and you may find yourself in some uncomfortable positions, but don’t let this scare you. Be brave, you’ve got this.
4. Be There
Your students are going to rely on you from the moment they walk in the door. Don’t let them down.
5. Be Willing To Reflect
Things may not always be sunshine and rainbows. Rainy, stormy days await you. Have enough courage to reflect on yourself at the end of the day. If something isn’t working, change it!
6. Be Organized
You’re going to feel like you are being pulled in a million directions and your time is going to be scarce. But please, stay organized. Nothing is worse than a teacher with a million stack of papers all over their classroom.
7. Never lose your passion
Retention within education is one of the highest in all careers. You obviously love it if you have made it this far. On your bad days, remember why you are doing this.
8. Stand up, Advocate
This such an important one. Stand up for not only you but also, your students. They deserve that. If you don’t agree with something, do not hide inside your turtle shell. Stand strong, stand tall, and stand up for those beautiful souls in your classroom.
I know there are so many more tips that you’re going to need, but hopefully, these will work for now. I’m proud of you! You can do this!
You are ready my dear, go change the world, student by student.