As a junior in high school, I began to search for the college that made me feel as if I was home when I walked on the campus. I went to about eight open houses and applied to most of them. I had no clue as to what school I would call my home for the next four years. Being eighteen years old, I still had no idea how to live independently or even have a clue as to what I would do with my life. Luckily I found my home and I have grown into someone I never pictured myself becoming.
As a junior in college, I have begun to search for the graduate school that will help me launch my success. You would think that it may be easy to find the perfect school after going through the process previously. It's not. It can be even harder. As a prospective graduate applicant, I can shed some light on making the process easier.
1. Ask yourself, why grad school?
Obviously, college is not for everyone. If you have education goals, like me, you will be pursuing a Masters Degree or even a PhD. Grad school is a huge step and it is formed for students who hope to be successful in a career that takes more than just a Bachelors.The journey is not going to be easy, but it will be worth it in the end.
2. Look into the professors in that program
The best way to look into professors in the graduate program that you hope to be admitted to is to research their publications. I suggest to even read some of them. In your personal statement for the application, make sure to acknowledge these professors and why you admire their work. See the courses that they teach. If they do not appeal to you, don't bother to apply. Your professors will make your success.
3. Meet with a graduate admissions counselor
These are the people that will help you on your application process. Ask questions!! They will most likely be able to answer them all. They want to sell their school to you and will help you imagine yourself being there. Use all of your available resources.
4. Check out the library
The library will become your second home. As a graduate student, be prepared to be writing research papers that require an arm and a leg. You will be spending most of your free time in the library working on another paper. If you need help, do not shy away from the librarians because it is their job to help you collect your resources.
5. Meet with the director of the graduate program
They will become your best friend (hopefully). Meet with them one-on-one, and ask them to view your personal statement and/or your writing sample because more likely than not, they will look over them. They want you to succeed and will you help you find your niche at the school.
6. Apply for scholarships
As much as would like to think that we should be getting paid for being a graduate student, it is still college. Make sure to apply for all of the available scholarships. If you thought undergraduate tuition was a lot, look at the grad school tuition costs. Eep!
7. Ask your undergraduate professors for their advice
These are the people you must take advantage of while you can. They will be on your side and will give you their 100 percent to watch you succeed. See what schools that they went to, or ask them for contact information. This happened for me when two of my professors knew the director of the history program at the school that I am looking at, and now my application fee has been dropped.
8. Believe in yourself
You are not going to succeed in anything that you want to accomplish unless you believe in yourself. This is true for anything you set your sights to. Choosing to pursue a MA or a PhD should not be taken lightly. If you know that you can handle it, go for it. I believe in you.
Whichever road you choose to go down, be proud of your work. You are allowed to make mistakes. Plan to have ups and downs. Prepare to have those nights that you want to give up on everything and call your parents crying. Throughout the stress and tears, there is an end goal. You are going to be successful and there will be people on your side to cheer you on along the way. You just have to learn how to cheer on yourself.
Best of luck.