College, huh? What's there to say? People look forward to it from the time they are a freshman in high school all the way until move-in day. However, when you have mental illness, this change can be a lot harder to adjust to than people who have good mental health. As I have only been here a month, here are 8 tips that have helped me not only stay sane, but thrive.
Step #1: Socialize. I know, it can super scary to talk to new people, but this your new home. This is where you will make not only long lasting friendships, but also develop family outside of your bloodline. I have already made so many fantastic friends, and I couldn't feel more loved.
Step #2: Breathe. It can be super stressful running to class every day, but remember to give yourself time to take some calming rescue breaths. Not only does it help you relax, it will help you focus in class on your schoolwork instead of on your anxiety.
Step #3: If you take medication, take it regularly. I know it seems like common sense, but sometimes you get so caught up in your school work that you forget. If you are as forgetful as I am, set a timer on your phone so you remember to take it. Also, make sure to refill your prescriptions on time, because being off of your medicine for a while will really mess with your brain.
Step #4: Eat. I know it can be super hard sometimes, whether you're too anxious or just forgetful. Please remember to take care of yourself, the people around you want to see you strive and succeed. You don't have to eat anything big, but please at least try to eat an apple or a bagel. Your body will thank you.
Step #5: Stay hydrated. When your body is dehydrated, it can cause more problems. For example, if you are very anxious and refuse to drink anything, it can cause dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, or even fainting. Please try to take small sips of water throughout the day, it will help you feel a little better.
Step #6: Do school work in small portions. For example, work on homework for 15 minutes, take a 10 minute break, then return to it. Try not to do all of your work in one shot, it can cause you to be more stressed and not connect to the material. If you aren't making connections, you aren't going to understand the material as well.
Step #7: Sleep. I cannot stress how important sleep is. It is a reset button for your body, and you learn material better that way. For example, do NOT pull an all nighter the night before a test. Study for a couple hours before you go to bed, but then actually sleep. When you sleep right after you study, your brain makes connections to the material and you remember it in the morning.
Step #8: Get help if you need it! There is no shame in bettering yourself. Whether you have poor grades or need counseling, please tell someone! There are tutors willing to work with you if you put the work in, and the same thing goes with counseling. It takes strength to admit when there's a problem, and that is already half the battle.
I hope these tips help you as much as they help me!