Tina is awkward, weird and extremely uncomfortable, but that is why we love her! From crushing on zombies to collecting porcelain horses, we can all relate on some level to her anti-social and hilariously awkward personality.
1. Getting a bad grade on a test when you expected an "A."
There is no worse feeling than skipping going out with your friends, overdosing on coffee and staying up all night studying for a test...only to receive the exact same grade you would have gotten if you hadn't studied.
2. Asking your parents to add more money into your account because you spent it all on food.
"Hey, I know you said you weren't going to give me anymore money this week, but....I love you so so much...." is usually how that conversation begins.
3. Going into Target for a jug of milk and leaving with the entire store.
How is it that I walked into Target for a jug of milk and left with new shoes, a makeup bag, a jar of pickles and a chair? Not to mention, I forgot the milk.
4. Those late night anxiety attacks.
At 3 a.m. anything can seem like an issue in the moment. Suddenly you find yourself in bed, scatter-brained, trying to solve the wonders and mysteries of life.
5. Giving yourself a pep-talk.
You're running late. Your hair is a mess and somehow you have managed to spill both coffee and toothpaste on your new white top. Smart. Strong. Sensual. Just repeat that three times.
6. Being the youngest one out of your group of friends.
What's better than a fun night out with your girlfriends? Nothing. That is until everyone begins to cheers and you find yourself to be the only one without a fun and colorful drink. Cheers-ing with a water is just somehow not as exciting.
7. Having to explain to your parents why it was your teachers fault that you got in trouble at school today.
"Yeah maybe I forgot my homework, and maybe I have even shown up 5 minutes late to that class multiple times, but come on mom, it wasn't my fault!"
8. Giving your friend awesome advice for her first date.
"Hey it's going to be great! Flirt a little, wink a little, and if all else fails, text me and I'll call you with an excuse to leave."