Sometimes it's easy to feel misunderstood and alone. During one's formative years, it is especially difficult to find your place in the world and your direction in life. Look no further than the animated television show “Bob’s Burgers.” Tina Belcher is undoubtedly the coolest kid on the block, and if anyone understands how to be a teenager, it's Tina. Without further ado, here are 8 times Tina perfectly summarized what it's like to be a teenage girl:
1. When she was surrounded by butts and couldn't restrain herself.
I think we can all remember a time when everything revolved around boys. It’s no secret that Tina is more than a little boy-crazy. She has recently discovered certain feelings and thus is preoccupied with those of the opposite sex. Her budding sexuality is a major part of her life, and she is unapologetic about it.
2. When she failed at learning to drive.
Ah, the memories have begun flooding back. Although she is just 13 years old, Tina takes initiative and decides to starts driving. But chaos ensues when she gets behind the wheel, managing to crash into the only other car in the parking lot. It goes to show even the most expert drivers were once novices.
3. When she got caught up in being bad.
This might be the most relatable episode for Tina. She meets and befriends a new girl at school named Tammy, who ends up being a negative influence. Tina starts wearing makeup, skipping school, and talking back to her parents. When Tammy gets jealous and betrays her, Tina realizes frenemies aren't worth the trouble. She is lucky to realize this so early, but unfortunately for some, this takes much longer. Learn from Tina and ditch people who want to blackmail you early on.
4. When she got melodramatic.
We've all had those bouts of emotion where we think the entire world is against us. It can be easier to see things this way in the heat of the moment, like Tina tends to do. A defeatist attitude seems to be Tina's way, but deep down she most likely realizes that this too shall pass. Adolescent strife is a petty yet necessary aspect of growing up, when you discover (sometimes painfully) that the world does not in fact revolve around you and that there are many more complex and difficult issues in the world.
5. When her curiosity got the best of her.
Tina is a curious cat, even in her teens. Her curiosity never fades throughout the duration of the series. She is situated right in between the naïveté of childhood and the worldly knowledge of adulthood, and she is learning the difference between childlike curiosity and more sophisticated philosophical thought. Adolescence is an interesting and radical time, to say the least.
6. When she tried something new.
The main object of her desire throughout the series is Jimmy Pesto Jr. (and briefly, a local dancer named Josh, seen above). In this instance, she steps out of her comfort zone by giving Josh her phone number. She turns the tables on traditional courting practices by initiating the conversation and taking further steps to get what she wants. It ends up working in her favor, for however short a time it really lasts.
7. When she got frustrated by others' stupidity.
There exists a lot of of ignorance in the world, and Tina knows it. She is normally calm and collected, but every now and then she snaps. We've all had those instances of feeling like everyone is a step behind us. Be it ego or just being right, sometimes it can be frustrating to deal with other people. I can imagine what Tina goes through since her siblings and parents are eccentric, to say the least.
8. When she went after what she wanted.
I think we could all learn a thing or two from Tina here. Though most of the time she tends to fade into the background, she sometimes gets a boost of confidence and lets loose. As much as she is awkward, she is equally comfortable in her awkwardness. When it comes to her goals in life, she knows she has to attack them head on, so she goes after what she wants. Let's all take note here: if this 13-year-old can achieve her dreams, so can you! Now get out there, you strong, sensual woman!