Taking summer online classes can be necessary for some students, like those with very difficult or highly structured majors who don't want to take full schedules every semester. These classes can also be for the bored mind who wants to try as many different subjects as possible. Maybe you need to take this range to decide on a major, or maybe it's just for fun. If you are like me, you have been forced into taking additional summer classes just to stay on track and not be constantly stressed out all the time. This is the journey of being forced to take summer classes, as told by Ron Swanson.
1. Your professor trying to start off the class with optimism.
A lot of summer professors have a talent for giving you hope that the class won't ruin your summer plans. Oh how quickly that hope gets dashed.
2. When you realized an hour before that your online homework is due.
You are locking yourself in a room for the next 59 minutes and cranking this sucker out.
3. When the directions for an assignment make no sense.
You've already emailed the professor three times with other questions, so you'll just have to figure this one out on your own. This would sound a lot better if you could talk in person when the questions just string together.
4. Halfway through the summer and this class.
As much as you love the season of summer, the sooner it ends the sooner you can stop this required class that feels pointless.
5. Becoming better at avoiding homework as the summer progresses.
Dishes and laundry are important too.
6. When your computer decides to stop working when you need it most.
If the computer had waited five more seconds to crash, you would have had time to save the assignment.
7. On the weekends, enjoying life in between assignments.
Don't forget that quiz due Sunday night though.
8. When you finally finish the class and submit your last assignment.
It's over. You can breath again. Just a week off then the real classes start back up again, but you will enjoy every second of it.
Summer classes are good for making up credits that wouldn't fit into the semester. However, between working, accomplishing adult tasks, and trying to take advantage of summer activities, I would really take into consideration if the summer classes are worth it. Wouldn't it be nice to just have a couple months where you never have an assignment to turn in before a deadline?