In its 26 episodes, Riverdale has managed to break our hearts, sew them back together again and break them anew, all while introducing us to characters that we both love and love-to-hate. Whatever it is, we want more, and clearly, the producers get the message. Here are eight times Riverdale has described how we felt about food. Episodes come and go, but hunger is eternal.
1. Being asked to please wait at the back of the line
Even though you are so clearly hangry.
2. Taking five samples and trying to play it cool
While secretly praising the sample server for their silent acceptance.
3. Debating with your friends about where to go for dinner
And your bestie suggesting the Italian place.
4. Hearing the barista ask if you want a hot coffee in the middle of summer
When you both know it’s a bazillion degrees out there.
5. The fast-food staff thinking you were serious when you declined the offer to supreme your fries
Like.... are you dumb?
6. Watching as the server delivers your food to the table 10 minutes after everyone else’s.
The wait is horrible.
7.Having your mom list all the reasons why you should stop purchasing subscriptions to snack-of-the-month boxes
It is a perfect investment, obviously.
8. The moment your food arrives at the table.
Everything about this moment is just perfect.....
You might not have a Pop’s Chock’lit shop of your own to provide the backdrop for your daily cravings (or a drama-filled town where the parents are just as crazy as the teenagers), but you can bet that there’s a foodie adventure around some corner of your own hometown. Grab a friend, seek it out and let your taste buds run wild! Get the sushi, and the coffee and the supreme fries. In other words, treat yo’self. Now that you’re craving a whole smorgasbord of foods, I’ll leave you to satisfy the hunger. After all, what else are you going to do until the next episode?!