8 Times Obama Made Us Laugh | The Odyssey Online
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8 Times Obama Made Us Laugh

You can really blame Obama for this.

8 Times Obama Made Us Laugh

After serving two terms in office, President Obama recently addressed his last State of the Union. The President covered topics such as racism, terrorism and the student loan crisis. Apart from seeing Obama addressing serious issues, we've also seen his down to earth and funny side. Since Obama’s second term is coming to an end, let’s take a look at Obama's comical moments. Some even went viral!


White House photographer, Pete Souza, captured this priceless picture at the annual White House Science Fair in 2014. Somehow the Girl Scout Troop 2612 from Tulsa, Oklahoma got our Commander in Chief to accessorize his head.


In 2011 Donald Trump questioned Obama’s America citizenship and demanded his birth certificate. Obama then released it and proved that he was born in Hawaii. In 2011’s Correspondents’ Dinner, Obama reminded Trump what reasons we should be focusing on.


In 2009, Obama was giving an interview to CNBC’s John Harwood but while answering one of Harwood’s questions a fly was flying by his neck. Obama attentively watched the fly until it landed on his hand and killed it. He then went on saying, “Now, where were we?”


President Obama delivered a speech at a women's conference in Washington in 2010. During his speech the presidential seal fell of the president’s lectern, he quickly realizes it and simply said, “"That's all right, all of you know who I am” the audience laughs. Then he goes on to say that there is someone that must be nervous, the one that put up the seal most likely.


This adorable picture was again taken by the White House Photographer, Pete Souza. A White House employee’s son is dressed as Spiderman and surprises the president when he comes out of his office. The president acts surprised and pretends to be caught in the invisible trap while mini Spiderman pretends to shoot it at him.


After McKayla Maroney won the silver medal at the 2012 Olympics, her facial expression to the win became an Internet sensation. It became a meme known as the “McKayla Maroney is not impressed.” While visiting the White House with her teammates, the president pulled her aside and asked her about the face, which is when they decided to stand side by side for this.


When the president hosted a meet and greet at the White House, his wife was holding a crying baby then later the mother asks them if she can take a picture of them with her child. Mrs. Obama hands the crying baby to the president and the baby immediately stops crying! Mrs. Obama looks at him awed and doesn’t believe it.


To publicize healthcare, Obama teamed up with Buzzfeed for a short video which gained 22 million views in 24 hours. In the video Obama is seen practicing his speech in front of the mirror and also making funny faces, he even uses a selfie stick!

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