Justin Theroux is Kevin Garvey, the leading macho man of HBO's hit original series The Leftovers. In the show, Garvey is the Chief of Police for the town Mapleton in New York - a town that is suffering from the irreparable damages of "The Departure." In addition, the first few minutes of the pilot episode reveal that Garvey is haunted by his own set of demons. When you put together an estranged wife, missing son, permanently pissed off daughter and psychotic father with a town that is descending into chaos, it takes every ounce of willpower for Garvey to stay in control. Nevertheless, his genuine good heart, generous nature and dedication to his family make him impossible not to love and root for throughout the shows two seasons.
1. When he goes for jogs
The series opens with a scene of the fit, athletic and ever-so handsome Kevin Garvey going for a stress-relieving run through Mapelton. By this simple scene, it does not take long to realize that this poor, unfortunate soul is going to be forced to endure a lot of hardship throughout the ten episodes.
2. When he buried a dead body and felt really bad about it
The "Wistful Looking Off into the Distance Burdened with Regret" face is simply too much to bear. Despite his attempts to take one step forward, Kevin’s encounters with the Guilty Remnant keep knocking him two steps backward. He’s not perfect and certainly has his flaws between the aggression and mysterious sleep-walking - but we love him anyway.
3. Every time he was in his police uniform
In the show, Garvey was referred to as “the hot cop,” and I don’t think any of the viewers would disagree with the statement. Kevin Garvey IS the perfect fine (pun intended) line between good cop and bad cop.
4. When he showed us his sensitive side
Throughout the two seasons, Garvey is tested to his absolute emotional and physical limits. Not only does he physically die two times, he is forced to cope with the pain of his family and town falling apart. When he finally breaks down and shows his vulnerable side, is it emotionally-gripping and completely adorable.
5. When he became friends with the evil dog
The malicious dog that nearly bit Kevin’s hand off could not even resist the attractive and love-able Mapleton police chief. Personally, I believe that unnamed pup is lucky to be considered that man’s best friend.
6. When he sang in the hotel-alternate dimension world
The song was an emotional, heart-felt tribute to his family who seemed eons away as the were separated. Garvey’s desire to get back to his family is evident and if there was ever a doubt about the purity of his soul, those thoughts were quickly sent away.
7. When him and Nora lived happily ever after
Ahh, a second chance at life and love. Both Nora and Kevin have experienced horrible tragedies during the past three year and have had the normality of their lives completely uprooted. Though they hardly feel sane, being together allows them to both realize that they are not alone in the world.
8. Any of the many moments he was shirtless
Last but definitely not least...Garvey’s hot bod. The long jogs through town obviously pay off because the man is seriously ripped. Any moment in the show when Kevin was in a towel, had just rolled out of bed or was getting out of the bath are moments of true cinematic brilliance.