It’s long overdue that I write about my dog, Dush (sounds like “bush,” but with a “D” in front of it). Actually, his real name is Cotton, but my brother and I just call him Dush. Not only is it only one syllable, but it is also extremely strange sounding and often makes people stop for a second to ask me to repeat his name. Great, right? You may be wondering where an amazing name like Dush is derived from. Dush is the youngest dog of three (formerly five), so we would often call him “Baby” for being the youngest. Well, “Baby” was shortened to “Babe” which somehow turned into Dush. Yeah, the evolution doesn’t make sense to us either, but it is what it is.
The best thing about Dush is perhaps his face. It is extremely expressive and I can always tell how Dush is feeling just by looking at him. If only people were as easy to read (sigh). Lucky for Dush, I often document his expressions for two reasons: a) blackmail (I know he’s a dog, but you never know who you can trust) and b) for the benefit of the internet, of course. Here, I show the eight greatest Dush faces of all time and perhaps you too will come to appreciate the amazing dog that is Dush.
1. Please can I has treat?
2. I am very tired...
3. What is this outdoors you speak of?
4. Please let go thanks.
5. No, it wasn't me...
6. That was very tasty.
7. Extreme thoughtfulness...
8. I think I like you so I will smile with my teeth, see?
If by now you aren't completely enamored by the cuteness that is Dush, there is probably something very wrong with you and I highly suggest you visit your local shelter and surround yourself with more dogs (and cats, I suppose). Dush would appreciate it. Thanks.