Every college student has seen or is currently watching the classic series, Friends. Joey, Chandler, Ross, Phoebe, Monica and Rachel are classic characters we an all relate to. The series aired in 1994 and was a hit for ten series. My parents remember when they would watch the new episode every week when it aired. My dad always made sure he was home on Thursday night for Friends. I did not grow up watching Friends, though. Instead, I was introduced to the series in college. However, I did grow up watching Everybody Loves Raymond. This series aired in 1996 (the year I was born) and ran for nine seasons. Both Friends and Everybody Loves Raymond have similarities, but there's just something about that tag line, "everyyyyy-body loves Raymond."
As I finish my first week of Junior year, I have Everybody Loves Raymond on every night. This throwback series is a perfect way to describe the first week of college.