There are two types of people in this world: those who are always early, and those who are always late. Or maybe, you're somewhere in between. But no matter which one you are, you are probably pretty consistent--you are either ALWAYS early or ALWAYS late. Force of habit, I suppose. This one is for the early ones: those who, no matter how hard they try, just can't seem to show up on time (or even late) for that matter. You know you're that person if...
1. Being late stresses you out.
Even a few minutes will make the difference for you. If you said that you were leaving at 12:30, but now it's 12:35 and you haven't left yet, it's stressful. People showing up late to things stresses you out, even if it doesn't affect you. Also, you can't figure out why people are late, because it is not even in your vocabulary.
2. You actually, honestly, can't be late to anything.
It is in your DNA. You like to be early. Even if you're trying to arrive on time, or fashionably late, you still accidentally arrive early. It's like your brain knows you're trying to trick it into going against your natural instincts. It's more of an effort to be late to something than it is to be early.
3. You are excellent at planning out how much time you have to get ready.
Before you go to bed, you go over your morning schedule. It allows for the exact amount of time to get everything done, plus a few extra minutes as insurance. If you have something extra to do before you go somewhere, you cut out something else so you have time for everything and still make it early.
4. You are not okay when you are rushed.
Because of these time planning skills, you rarely need to rush, because you always have enough or even extra time. But, on the rare occasions you're behind schedule and are a bit rushed, you are stressed. Because, heaven forbid, you accidentally show up late to something.
5. You are used to having time to kill before things start.
Even if you aren't trying to, you will show up before the start time. Which, of course, gives you time to just sit there are wait until something starts. This is normal to you. If we're being honest here, it's comforting to have those few extra minutes to collect yourself before an event.
6. Change also stresses you out.
It's going to take a few extra minutes to get somewhere because of traffic? Someone stopped to talk to you on the way? Someone didn't show up on time to pick you up? Foiled plans and unexpected time wasting when you are trying to get somewhere or accomplish something is not your favorite.
7. You often feel like a military general.
The strict way you keep time and keep your friends on time often comes across as a strict general trying to keep troops in line. In reality, you just like being on time, is that a crime? (That rhymed) (And so did that)
8. You also feel misjudged.
Even if you are not a super type A kind of person, always being on time can make people think you are. You aren't keeping a such a tight, eternally early schedule because you are obsessed with time keeping. This is just the way you are made--with a keen sense of being on time. People can misread this as too orderly or not relaxed enough. But really, you'd be a lot more stressed out if you weren't on time to everything.
Keep on being early, friends! But don't be too hard on those who are often late--we are all different and we live our lives in different ways, the key is to keep your schedule in the way that makes you feel the most comfortable and in control of your day.