This goes out to all of my Bay City hometown residents (and maybe some non-residents who have some unanswered questions about why we do the things we do in Bay City).
Here are some questions non-residents may ask that only Bay City residents will answer with a slight chuckle:
1. "What's that smell?"
Oh, that lovely aroma that seems to linger throughout every inch of that town. An outsider may think there's a cow manure pile near by, or that their passenger may have accidentally "let one go" without a warning first. Well, outsiders, that smell is coming from a place that produces something as sweet as ever. No worries, that wouldn't have been my first guess either.
2. "What's your city's high school?"
Funny you would ask: we have five. Well, technically five anyways. Oddly enough though, there isn't a "Bay City High School" resembling the high schools other towns solely have. But that's OK.It seems like almost everyone knows everyone if you go to one of those five schools anyways.
3. "What's the double hump bridge?"
Another great question! I can assure that over half of the citizens in the city of Bay City only know the two bridges crossing the river as the "double hump bridge" and nothing else. It just is what it is.
4. "What's Euclid?"
Um, better known as fast food lane if I do say so myself. You can find just about anything on Euclid Ave.: Taco Bell, McDonald's, KFC, Subway, Arby's, etc. I think it's safe to say that this is kind of like Bay City's "main street."
5. "Where's the nearest McDonald's?"
Haha. This is a trick question. There's literally about five to choose from in a ten mile radius. This is no lie either. You can test it out for yourself.
6. "What's there to do in Bay City?"
To do anything fun and exciting, come back on the Fourth of July. Bay City has the best fireworks display I've ever seen. They've broken records. Look it up. If you can't wait until the Fourth, then you'll just have to go out to eat because that's really your only other option.
7. "Where can I get a drink?"
Midland Street. That's all I have to say about that.
8. If someone says "I have to run to Jack's..."
If someone tells you they have to run to Jack's, they're probably referring to a little fruit an meat market down the road. Jack's is a store, not a person. Although I suppose someone may actually be running to a man named Jack's place.
Bay City may be a little querky, but it's home.