August has started, and that means college is just a few short weeks away. Everyone always talks about students bringing too many things to college. There are countless articles warning freshman about these unnecessary items. As I go into my senior year of college, however, there are a few things that I have found I cannot live without that didn't seem necessary while packing. Somehow, these things always seem unimportant or easily forgettable, but I promise that you'll regret not packing them.
1. A Planner
I know. Both might seem a little over the top, but this is honestly the most used item in my room. You cannot underestimate how useful carrying around upcoming deadlines and extracurricular meetings in your planner may be. This could be an online planner, a cheap one from Target, the crazy cute but ridiculously priced Erin Condren ones. It doesn't matter what type of planner you use, just have one available.
2. And A Desk Calendar
While in theory you could get by with a just a planner, I have never regretted the extra $10 spent freshman year for a dry erase desk calendar. Day planners are great to carry around and jot down assignments, but my desk calendar is always the first place I go to plan out my week. It's so easy to glance at it as I move through my room and has reminded me of forgotten deadlines innumerable times. I promise, this investment is not one that just takes up extra space.
3. A Broom
I'm not going to lie, I have had to walk down to CVS at the beginning of every single year because I forget to pack a broom. I know all of the excuses. It's an awkward shape that doesn't fit in any of my moving boxes. My roommates will probably bring one. The list goes on. But let me tell you something, your roommates are probably not going to bring one either. And then you will just get stuck paying for a new broom and dustpan that you have to drag across campus when you can't stand the dust anymore. Trust me, just bring a broom.
4. Clorox Wipes
College dorms are tiny, crowded spaces with more sick germs than your body has had to fight off since kindergarten. There is always that suite with the students that haven't had a clean room since move-in day. Your dorm is never up to your mother's cleaning standards. There are lots of people crowded into fairly close quarters, and Clorox wipes are absolutely imperative if you don't want a cold every other week.
5. A Coffee Fund
I know, you say you don't even like coffee. (To that, I say you probably just haven't had the right drink.) But honestly, college students don't start drinking coffee because they like it; they drink it because it is the only thing keeping them awake for that 9 a.m. after pulling an all nighter on that paper. (It also helped keep them up during the entire paper.) You may not like it now, but one day, coffee will be your very best friend. Also, the number of "coffee dates" your friends will ask you on is asinine, so just come prepared. Or better yet, be the cool friend with a Keurig.
6. 17 (Or So) Extra Water Bottles
For real though. The number of water bottles I have left behind in class is ridiculous. Just buy some extras so that you don't have a crisis when you leave behind your one and only water bottle in a huge lecture. You're probably not going to get it back. Bulk packages of refillable water bottles will become your best friend.
7. A First Aid Kit
Everyone laughed at me for this one until they needed a band-aid. Or that time someone needed medical tape for a broken toe. Chances are, at some point you are going to need something from a first aid kit during your time at college, so invest in one and become the floor nurse. You'll never regret having too many band-aids as much as you will not being able to find one.
8. Most Important: A Zip-Up Lingerie Bag
This one's for you too, boys. It's actually not that important for your delicates, but is a lifesaver if you want to keep all of your socks. I don't know why, but college washing machines eat socks at 43 times the rate your home washing machine does. I went through ridiculous amounts of new socks freshman year until I figured this trick out. If you zip them up in a mesh lingerie bag, the washer can't eat them and you never have to worry about losing a sock again.